If your God is dead try mine. Praise report I have been diagnosed - TopicsExpress


If your God is dead try mine. Praise report I have been diagnosed with cancer. For the past few weeks I have been going to many specialists and Stony Brook cancer unit. Many prayers from all directions I really thank you for your prayers its hard to call ever one name my father Bishop Jefferson sisters Loretto Theresa Ralphie Joe brothers my children grands pastor Brown uncle aunt cousin Sheila nieces Tyneesa Monique Ada nephews Lord I pray I didnt leave anybodys name out but thanks to everyone who prayed many machines to go in to check me from head to toe the type cancer I have they thought it spread through my entire body I prayed you all know me I pray daily for many I still have a little way to go radiation and chemo just for one area where the cancer is I praise God right in the doctor office ask she give report she said go ahead there was a church lady that always said let everything be done decent and in order but I could not wait the specialist doctor was so amazed and happy she ask me for a hug a kiss tell me thats not God. She even had me to do another cats did not spread bishop Jefferson. gave me a prayer cloth I put it on the adea while going in the CAT scan thanks all prayer do work– things the song there is no secret what God can do yes thank God for my aunt Marion supervisor Vickers of Angeles Sheila Sheilah Vickers my first cousin home I just heard your running around the house praising God I wish I was with you I even told the doctor I know its a sight ward there I am not crazy I just have to praise my God right now here yes I did right in front of her please dont put me there she said its ok praise him . Evang Elaine always said to Vicky am praying miracles do still happen sometime you have to go through a situation to be bless sometimes God wants you to pray through hallelujah it hard to write cause am so anointed at this time the presence of God is all over Meir you been through what Ive been through the doctors from the beginning some evening shook their head when they open me up. I know than one dr said to my face I am a physician but there is a greater physician your going to need thats Jesus . Diding tell many one Bishop said to my father if you tell all your business you want have any business. That is my testimony missionary green sings you dont know like I know what he done for me evang Barbara thats why I love water I talk to God you know my spot lol . I prayed before things happend . I have so much to say my aunt breadra Brenda thanks . Prayer will fix it every time I new I had to face this big report from the two specialist at Stony Brook on this morning to let me know my report but yet like my sister Loretta said I could have stay home on yesterday from church still played the organ being uncomfortable on the seat. My song to all of. You by Kurt Franklin smile
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 17:51:01 +0000

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