If your tired of Race talk already, its no different than that - TopicsExpress


If your tired of Race talk already, its no different than that popular song on the radio! Play it a few more times and it will get stuck in your head. We need it to get stuck in your head! Its not anybodys fault for why the country is where it is. BUT its all our responsibilities. If someone says its the WHITE MANS fault, let me affirm they are referring to THE SYSTEM. BLACKS are responsible for their actions as well. THE SYSTEM puts AMERICA at a disadvantage. We all must bring it down. THE SYSTEM = the ideology of slavery influencing the decision making of officials, influencing the views of blacks in this country, and the focus of profit over human life. While also assuring that race matters. While also under representing blacks in school history in order to omit there strengths/ accomplishments and further prove their inferiority. While making sure to represent their plea for civil rights, tho important, being that its the only reference of blacks in public school history it creates the idea of the BLACK VICTIM. While lastly reiterating these images through media and pop culture. People have an idea of a black person before they have even met one. And when they do met a person, it takes one small similarity to their preconceived idea to cement there thoughts to be true, when in fact they embedded this reality on to that person. ie was cold and they wore a hoodie, was talking loud out of excitement, was shop lifting because their friends were too (i stole a pack of gummy bears when I was 12, am I a criminal?), wasnt at work cause they had the day off, the list goes on..... I hear jawing back and forward, white vs black, Dem vs Rep, and I think my stance is unbias but please tell me if it isnt....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 08:51:22 +0000

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