If youre around 50, youre having a Chiron return. Your Pluto is in - TopicsExpress


If youre around 50, youre having a Chiron return. Your Pluto is in Virgo conjunct Uranus (you need to make a difference through service or improving something, and it needs to be forward-looking), and Chiron is opposite it in Pisces. As you are of service to make things something better, you encounter the suffering, pain, perceived weakness, (sometimes unending) needs and extreme vulnerabilities of others (Chiron in Pisces). At the return, you can experience a welling up of deep karmic issues regarding how you deal with the feelings and needs of others. In many lives, youre confronting the right way to deal with them ... which means that you are making all kinds of choices, and its likely that none of them feel right. For example, If I give in and am of full service to these others and their needs, then I sacrifice what I need to for myself. Or, If I refuse to help them so Im not bogged down by their stuff, then Im not really honoring that I care about them, and am ignoring that I could help them. Both kinds of scenarios lead to the question, What kind of person does that make me? Because if you help and ignore what you truly need to do with yourself/your life, then you seem to have no self-respect. Conversely, if you do what you need to do, then youre selfish or, perhaps, cold. Its these kinds of emotional dynamics that can come up from many lives during the Chiron return, making it a time of needing to confront confusion and figure out the right choices. Also, childhood issues about what you needed and couldnt get will come up (and these will often echo other-life themes). Every persons got a list of what was needed from parents to do or be for him or her, and at the Chiron return the person needs to love the self in all the ways he or she wished others would have but couldnt, wouldnt, or didnt. Its an invitation to become powerful through braving the fears of where love is going to come from and loving the self. And it is always, without exception, a maturation into allowing more vulnerability, often becoming kinder to the self through the development of a realistic, grounded relationship with what one needs ... recognizing that others cannot possibly fill the place in the person that needs to be filled with love, acceptance, validation, and support. When I work with people during this life passage, sometimes its inner kid stuff from this life thats loudest, and sometimes its other-life stuff. I cant predict which it will be until Im in the session, hearing the person and feeling into what part of the self is talking. This week I did two readings for people in this process. One was very obviously about childhood issues about love, support, and validation, and the other was on the surface about a spouses addiction issues, which gave way to childhood issues about getting to be vulnerable and soft. Chiron offers doors into amazing aspects of the human experience. If youre not using it yet in your chart work, consider doing so. A thoughtful approach to coming out of this kind of woundedness is integral to what humans need now, and telling people to get over what feels wrong or hurt simply doesnt cut it. It overlooks the fact that we are energetic beings and are affected by emotions in meaningful ways, and it prevents true understanding of the human condition.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:28:09 +0000

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