If youre done with religion and unfriending people because they - TopicsExpress


If youre done with religion and unfriending people because they talk about it on their Facebook page, have some integrity and stop selling your religious books and promoting your religious website. You know what I do when I stop believing a certain theological viewpoint? I take down every post I can find that promotes it because I dont want to continue promoting something I think is damaging peoples lives. Stop being a hypocrite and saying, You cant talk about religion, it hurts people! while you continue making money from it. I understand we go through phases of getting burned out, but thats not excuse to act like a nasty hypocrite towards people who have stood by your side. I was burned out on Christianity last year. I unsubscribed from most of the people who were posting religious stuff all day long, and unfriended a lot of the people I didnt know personally, because I also didnt want to see the same cliches over and over. I thought I might tear my hair out if I had to see one more super-spiritual quote on my Facebook feed. But what I didnt do is sit there and say, Well, I dont want to talk about it anymore, so youre not allowed to either if you want to continue being my friend! Come on. Thats how children behave. You said something I dont like! Youre not my friend anymore! You know what then? Good. Because Im going to continue saying things you dont like and I dont need you crying in my ear every time I speak or picking fights with anyone who engages in conversation. But again, this comes down to a lack of accountability, and quite frankly lack of a backbone. All of these well-known teachers are publicly denouncing Christianity, and all these grace Christians hop on their pages and say, Good job, Im so proud of you! Really? Its clear people care more about being loved and looking polite than they do about the well-being of people. Because if we really loved people we wouldnt amen them while they walk into a ditch, thinking were showing them how accepted they are. I accept you enough to correct you like a friend, not let you die like an enemy. You want me to accept you enough to let you die? Dont try to be my friend then, because I dont treat my friends that way. What happened to integrity? It got exchanged with this liberal-infected grace thats nothing more than another offspring of religion and politics. But it gets excused because manipulative people attach Jesus to it and say, THIS is how Jesus would act! Wrong. He didnt attach Himself to politics or religion. In fact, He told us to beware of the leaven of both. So now on one side we have conservative evangelicals using Jesus to promote their political judgments against sinners. And on the other side we have liberal grace preachers using Jesus to promote their anything-goes doctrines under a guise of equality and grace. And in both cases Jesus isnt the end, Hes only the means to it—the spoon full of sugar to make the medicine go down. And how many people are willing to speak up about this? Dr. Brown tried, but he doesnt really understand what this message is saying anyway. We need people on the inside to start speaking up and calling things back into order. Stop being deceived by devils disguised as grace. Wake up! Maybe its not too late to save this movement from becoming the next dead religious denomination, as if we dont have enough of those already. I love this message too much to let it die without a fight.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 20:13:52 +0000

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