If youre in the Baltimore/DC area in October, join Rev. Ana on the - TopicsExpress


If youre in the Baltimore/DC area in October, join Rev. Ana on the night of the partial Solar Eclipse, Thursday October 23rd at Soul Source near Gaithersburg, MD. The special events of the evening will include: *Teachings about the energetic effects of this partial solar eclipse and the upcoming seasonal turning point of Samhain (aka Halloween). This is a time when the veil between the worlds grows thinner. Learn how to work with these energies to further activate The Divine Light Within You. *Outdoor Prayer Circle (weather permitting) *An Angelic Message Transmission from Archangel Michael channeled LIVE and recorded by Ana (each participant of this gathering will receive a free mp3 recording of the angelic message emailed to them after the event.) * A Guided Angelic Communion Soul Journey -- Anas soul journeys help to guide you into a deep meditative conscious dream state where you will have the opportunity to communicate directly with your Angels, Spirit Guides, & Guardians. This evenings Angelic Communion Soul Journey experience will allow access into the heavenly realms to activate your light body, and to commune/connect with angels, guides, and ascended masters who can help you on your personal journey of rising to your next highest level of health, wholeness, and well-being. This Soul Journey experience will be based on ancient shamanic journey practices that have been adapted for beginners to more easily access the heavenly realms. The journeyer will be guided through visualizations and sacred music. Similar to lucid dreaming, only done in a waking state, the journeyer remains consciously in control of the journey while receiving Divine guidance and experiencing angelic communion. angeliccommunication/SolarEclipseGathering.html
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 00:34:06 +0000

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