If youre not for the black man and woman taking advantage of - TopicsExpress


If youre not for the black man and woman taking advantage of existing economic tools, please Un-friend me. If youre always talking about building black business and you refuse to spend a dollar with black merchants, please un-friend me. If your idea of tackling racism is purchasing arms and going to war, please unfriend me. If your friends list is FILLED to the brim with white folks, please unfriend me. If you want to stay on Facebook for the rest of your life theorizing about covert plans for black annihilation, please unfriend me. If you hate every black man or woman who isnt an impossible 100% black, please unfriend me. If youre SUPER CONCERNED about black gays, please unfriend me. If you separate blacks into two groups and two groups only: house nigga and field nigga, please unfriend me. If your time line us full of degrading pics and videos of our people, please unfriend me. IF YOURE A RATIONAL PERSON AND ARE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE ABOUT SERIOUS TOPICS WITHOUT RESORTING TO ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED BEHAVIORS. WELCOME
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:09:50 +0000

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