If youre not going to vote, I wanted to make sure you saw this - TopicsExpress


If youre not going to vote, I wanted to make sure you saw this report from CAP Action, “10 Things to Expect Next Year If Republicans Win the Senate,” showing the stakes in this election by detailing, at a policy level, the consequences of a Republican controlled Senate: 1. Additional attempts to use the budget process to advance a conservative ideological agenda 2. More tax cuts for the wealthy and further spending cuts for middle- and working-class families 3. Obstruction of well-qualified judicial nominees, leaving vacancies on federal courts 4. A vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act 5. Attempts to roll back women’s health gains 6. Use of the Congressional Review Act to weaken environmental rules, jeopardizing public health 7. Action to dramatically expand people’s ability to carry concealed, loaded guns 8. Legislation that adversely affects the LGBT community 9. Legislation to deport DREAMers 10. New cuts to programs and rules that increase college access, affordability, and readiness.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:42:35 +0000

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