If youre sick of hearing about Noah, at least read one more - TopicsExpress


If youre sick of hearing about Noah, at least read one more review...mine. A Christian Artist’s Take on Noah: Let me just say up front, I am extremely blown away by this film. I am also extremely disappointed in the Christian community for how they have acted towards this film. Let’s first, talk about the movie. It’s brilliant! Finally, someone took a biblical story seriously and then went beyond that and made it something interesting for all audiences. There were so many times I found myself taking a step back and realizing, this doesn’t feel like a Bible movie at all, and that’s good! Why would I go to the movies, a place for an escape, and want to be preached to? Why would I want my Bible stories to be made for Sunday School when in reality, if the Bible received a rating, it would be a hard R or worse? The film is beautiful. It’s shocking how believable the setting is. The acting is superb, the cinematography is flawless and the music is haunting, a character in itself. The story is one we all know, but with a new perspective and honestly, one I prefer. We will never know, here on earth, how the story really played out, but this movie gave some great insight to how these people would have possibly dealt with issues or problems. Even something as simple as creating an aroma that made all of the animals fall asleep blew me away, because without doing research or being a scholar or scientist or whatever, I would have never thought about that. My argument will always be, if Art doesn’t leave you filled with questions or challenge your beliefs, or make you look at things in a whole new perspective, then it didn’t do it’s job. Quite frankly, Noah hasn’t left my Facebook feed in weeks! Obviously something is working. I’m sure you’ve seen the statistics by now, but so many people have opened their Bibles and read that story, people who probably haven’t opened their Bibles in years. Now, as we all know (believe me I’m sick of hearing it) the film is not entirely Biblically accurate. So without going into great detail and point every bit of issue one might have with it, I’ll give you this reminder. The movie will NEVER be like the book. It always happens. You see a movie BASED on a book and you get disappointed because the book was better. Well you know why, right? Because reading a book is not like watching a movie. Reading a book is like reading a book! The two art forms will never be one. (some wiggle room with Foreign films - insert laughter- ) That being said, you can not (and should not) expect someone to take a story that last a few pages and turn it into a feature length film and tell him not to add anything what so ever. The movie would lasted as long as the creation sequence mid-film! Noah is a film made by someone who loved the story so much, he decided to take his time and money to create a pice or Art based on the story. If any of us had the money, time, talent and resources we would make such art! Thankfully, not everyone is so lucky. Sadly, some people are just as lucky. He did not set out to make a film that converted the world to believe in God and that’s the problem with everyone freaking out. They expect every movie with the slightest Christian storyline to fit to their standards, when the people who need it most have completely different standards. Christian films are great…for Christians. They eat that stuff up! You think a non-believer has the same appetite? Now, are there issues with the film theologically? Sure. Should you listen to a Christian extremist’s terribly one-sided review and never see the movie, but instead push other Christian films on every status you can? Absolutely not. There are so many comments I see that start out with, “I heard…” “I HEARD the director is an atheist…” “I HEARD God isn’t mentioned once in the film…” Do you really want to live your life based on things you heard? In the end, the film is massive, gut-wrenching and awe inspiring and it does nothing but challenge your beliefs yet leave you begging for more. Would you rather have an accurate telling of the story of Noah? Read the book.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:13:53 +0000

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