If youve ever had cancer, you know exactly why Im posting this - TopicsExpress


If youve ever had cancer, you know exactly why Im posting this tonight. Chemo-Brain is real. There have been days where Ill pull my pocket change out and have Joel practice counting it and he flies through it like a champ. There are other days he can stare at a nickel for a lifetime and is not able to recall what its value is. Its like being in a library filled with smoke. You know where your book is but...for the life of you, you cant find it. Its horrible to watch him struggle this way. Joel never gives up. Not during steroid week, not when hes hugging the toilet with gut-wrenching dry heaves, not when sleep eludes him, and not even when kids at school jerkishly call his steroid filled body chubby. He always gives grace and expects none in return. He truly amazes me. Well, yesterday, he brought home his report card. He has never, since starting treatment, been on par with his twin brother. He hates that. He expects to be the dumb one. Our school district uses a number system for elementary students, with 1 being way below proficiency and 4 being above grade level. When I pulled out Joels report card, he immediately said, Its gonna be bad, I know it. It has never been bad, its just never like Nathans. Nathan gets one or two 2s, a bunch of 3s and about a dozen 4s. Joel gets several 2s and mostly 3s, which is scoring at grade level (which is what were praying for everyday, that he keeps on grade level). My head nearly feel off yesterday as I looked at his report card! He had 14 4s, a ton of 3s and only one 2! He tied Nathan in 4s, and had one fewer 2s. Its never a competition in our home. In fact, we dont even show them their grades. However, we did yesterday! For Joel too see he did every bit as well as Nathan just blew his mind! And Nathan? Hes such an amazing brother. He smiled at Joel and said, I KNEW you could do it, buddy! MAJOR daddy pride moment. Not just for Joel and his perseverance, but for his twin who is Joels greatest cheerleader. We are so blessed with such sweet and smart and strong boys! Thank you for continuing to lift us all up in prayer. We covet each and every one.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:05:26 +0000

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