If youve ever watched a cute video of an elephant painting, you - TopicsExpress


If youve ever watched a cute video of an elephant painting, you probably werent aware of the torture, beatings, starvation, psychological torment and constant threats the animal endured leading up to that. Elephant painting is not the result of a rare artistic talent among these animals. Instead, its a result of deliberate and unconscionable animal cruelty. In this brutal and inhumane process called Phajaan (crushing an elephants spirit), the elephant is - Shackled and locked into a tiny cage so it cant move at all, in any direction. - Regularly beaten and stabbed in its ears and feet - Deprived of sleep - Threatened, intimidated and psychologically tormented around-the-clock - Starved and deprived of water - Forced to watch members of its own family undergo similar abuse (elephants are extremely social and exist in extremely tight-knit family units). This torture lasts years and only when the elephants spirit is completely broken, will it submit to the will of its captors and and paint. When youre watching this elephant paint, what youre really seeing is a frightened and traumatized animal doing anything to avoid being hurt again. Below is a video of this barbaric, inhumane treatment of these beautiful, gentle, loving creatures in preparation for entertaining tourists and making their captors money. youtu.be/SVckvi_gWVo These animals cant protect themselves but you can help them by never contributing to these businesses and by telling people the truth about this awful racket.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 05:18:35 +0000

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