If youve just competed or are just about to compete in a little - TopicsExpress


If youve just competed or are just about to compete in a little amateur fitness or physique show, there really is no need to post 12 paragraphs of cloying, mawkish sentiment, embellishing the immeasurable emotional battle you (voluntarily, lest we forget) endured, thanking anyone and everyone who helped you on this physical and spiritual journey, and apologising to friends, family and acquaintances for not being yourself, and not quite being there as much as you could as you dedicated every ounce of your existence to a rigorous contest prep. Remember, as fitness and physique competitors, were the oddballs with underlying eating disorders and extreme narcissism, who happen to be quite good at exercising. Whilst some of us might (inexplicably) have a bit of a following/fanbase, we have no actual talent. Also, as fitness competitors, a lot of our friends and followers on social media are people that we dont actually know in real life. Nobody gives a f*** about how gruelling your prep was, or how the last 12 weeks have been just as much of a battle for your amazingly supportive girlfriend as they have been for you. Can the bulls*** - we just want to know where you placed, see the stage photos, and look at pictures of all the junk food youre going to be eating in the week succeeding the show. Good luck to everyone competing in 2014
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 07:04:11 +0000

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