If youve never read the Life and Times of Frederick Douglass take - TopicsExpress


If youve never read the Life and Times of Frederick Douglass take a second to read this and learn a little history in detail. See if you it doesnt make a you proud of not only our peoples courage, but also their ingenuity and brilliance, despite being from the so-called Dark Continent. We must tell our own story, especially to our seeds. We must let them know there was a heavy price paid for the freedoms and opportunities they enjoy in this technological age. Its not good enough for us as the parents to know, because failing to passed down this message is why many of our African-American children are lost in the public school system today. Did you see the recent story that not one Black or Brown child out of 90 schools passed the reading or math portions of standardize testing in the NY city school system? Most of us are aware our African ancestors passed down their history and traditions orally (quite accurately I might add). They did this so that the next generations would, not only carry on the traditions, but they understood it would give their descendants a foundation in which to build upon. While we must laser focus on STEM achievement in the Black community, it is the knowledge of their history that will give them the pride to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). We too must pass down the oil so the next generations lamps may shine. My name is Black Socrates and ive spoken the Truth as i know it All I Ask Is That You Think #justmy3cents #reeducationofthenegro
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 06:04:00 +0000

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