If youve noticed the ramp up in energy/activity in your being and - TopicsExpress


If youve noticed the ramp up in energy/activity in your being and in your surroundings near and far this article will help explain why. Tuesday March 25th was the first of 10 consecutive Hyper-Days. The last Tzolkin cycle Hyper-Day Sequence coincided with the riots in the Ukraine and Venezuela. Fifty-two of the Tzolkin cycle’s 260 days possess an additional attribute known as Hyper-Day. On the Tzolkin cycle chart Hyper-Days are denoted by either green or black cells. See image below in comments section. Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days are correlated with spikes in the frequency and intensity of… Earthquakes Volcanism Extreme Weather Extreme or unusual human behaviors other extreme events e.g. animal attacks, explosions and other natural phenomena. Such events happen all the time, but my studies have revealed that certain Tzolkin cycle days are more prone to concur with the phenomena listed for some yet unexplained reason. Formal studies of mine have determined that Hyper-Days (HDs) are associated with spikes in the frequency and intensity of volcanic and seismic events. Volcanic activity in particular is extremely responsive to HD’s. Hyper-Day Characteristics and Effects The following terms are apt descriptors of hyper-day events, effects and moods. Activating Boil over Agitating Tipping Point Breaking Point Catalyzing Hyper-Active Erupts Exceptional Intense Explosive Frenetic Some of you may even feel the Hyper-Day effect on your body and mind. You may feel especially energetic, agitated, have a difficult time falling asleep, or wake up sooner than normal. If you are around small children you will see them extra active and more easily agitated. People are more likely to “act out” or “lose it” on Hyper-Days. The same goes for animals. Health issues such as headaches and migraines may flare up. Electrical equipment/systems are more apt to fail or malfunction especially if they are already on the brink. Computers may run slower, and cell phone reception will fluctuate more widely. Continue reading at tzolkincosmology/2014/03/24/hyper-day-sequence-number-two-is-underway/
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:29:04 +0000

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