If youve studied Russian naval history like I have, youll realize - TopicsExpress


If youve studied Russian naval history like I have, youll realize this is about all their navy has been successful at since John Paul Jones retired from Catherine the Greats service: sinking their own vessels. This is a classic burn: Earlier in the week, the commander of the Russian Black Sea fleet, Adm. Alexander Vitko, visited Ukraine’s South Base, according to the deputy base commander, Capt. Viktor Shmiganovsky. “He asked me to invite all the officers and suggested that we collectively take up the Russian military allegiance oath and become part of the Black Sea fleet … promising good pay and a bright future,” Shmiganovsky said in an interview. “He insisted we do that to help protect Ukraine from extremist gangs.” The officer said his boss, the base commander, retorted: “Comrade admiral, we didnt see any extremist gangs here until you came with your men.” He said the admiral left “in a rage.” latimes/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-russians-sink-boat-ukraine-20140305,0,5215300.story#ixzz2vD44duNZ
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 18:49:25 +0000

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