If you’re hoping to avoid higher insurance prices under - TopicsExpress


If you’re hoping to avoid higher insurance prices under Obamacare by eating healthier, I have some bad news for you: your food prices might be going up, too. Reason reports that there hasn’t been much discussion of the impact Obamacare is going to have on marginally-profitable agricultural businesses, but it won’t be pretty. They talked to California labor contractors, who provide field workers to the state’s many big farms. They operate on about a 2 percent profit margin. And that’s not enough to cover buying health insurance for hundreds of thousands of farm workers. The farm workers themselves are also scared. They’ll be expected to buy insurance. They say they currently make just enough for food and rent, with nothing left over. Some have cheap, bare-bones policies, but Obamacare will ban those. So the only way to pay for all that mandated health insurance is to convince farmers to pay workers a lot more money. In case you hadn’t heard, most farmers aren’t independently wealthy. One way or another, the cost is going to get passed along to us, and we’ll likely see it in the grocery aisles.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 13:16:40 +0000

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