If you’re joining us in reading through Isaiah and Jeremiah, - TopicsExpress


If you’re joining us in reading through Isaiah and Jeremiah, today’s reading is Isaiah chapter 42 and the devotion is taken from 42:13. “The LORD will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.” How do you picture God? Do you picture him as a kind, doting grandfather type? Do you picture him as a father excited to see his son or daughter participating in a sporting activity? Do you see him as a young father holding his son or daughter for the first time? Or do you see him as a soldier, one ready for battle? He is all of these things. He comforts you as a grandfather comforts and plays with his grandchildren. He is that father who cheers on his son or daughter. He is the young father who lovingly comforts his young child. And finally he is a soldier. We have been created in the image of God. We display many of his attributes. In our lives we love, we comfort, we are joyous, and sometimes we are even sad. But there is one picture that we tend not to view God as and that is as a soldier. There is a heavenly war going on. The battles between the Angels of Satan and the Angels of God go on constantly. The more you are walking with Christ the more you will experience this battle. Satan wants to destroy you. He wants to make you ineffective. He wants you in a defensive position, constantly trying to prevent things from occurring rather than attacking to prevent him from moving forward. We are much too passive in our walk with Christ. We want to be loved by people, admired by people, looked up to by people. We can’t have that as our goal and be preparing for battle at the same time. If our walk with Christ is successful then people will look at us as a leader. But if our goal is to be looked at as a leader rather than looked at as a soldier for Christ then Satan has won. Our desires should be to look like Christ, to walk like Christ, to be like Christ in everything we do. We are to do it in a loving and kind fashion. But we are not to be afraid of speaking what is right. We are not to be afraid of doing what is right. At times people will be offended because of our position. If that position is God’s position then we are not being offensive but being truthful. Be a soldier for Christ, loving everyone but ready to defend what you believe and why you believe it.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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