If you’re just surviving, you’re not living the life that God - TopicsExpress


If you’re just surviving, you’re not living the life that God created you to live. God intends for you to thrive. You’re meant to grow to your fullest potential in life by knowing God and making Him known. Pursuing those purposes will make it possible for you to enjoy the best in life. Do you find yourself thinking that if you could just reach the end of something – like a project, an illness, or a payment plan – you can finally enjoy a break before the drudgery begins all over again? You can get to know God and his purposes for your life, no matter what, if you seek him. God will orchestrate his dreams for you despite your lesser goals and mistakes. Keep in mind that God’s dreams for you are bigger than your own. Start a habit of reading, studying, and thinking about God’s Word, the Bible. The more you do, the more the Holy Spirit will use its truths to renew your mind so you can see God, and yourself, from an accurate perspective. Don’t allow fear, doubt, discouragement, or challenging circumstances to keep you from becoming who you’re meant to be. God is in ultimate control and has a plan for your life, but it’s up to you to respond to it in obedience. Rather than worrying about trying to do something big for God in the future, simply do whatever small things God calls you to do right now, and your faithfulness will have a big impact for the better on the people around you. Yield your own will to God’s will for you every day, and the more you do, the more the Holy Spirit will grow love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your soul. Whenever you’re communicating with others about faith, strike the right balance between truth and love. As you keep learning more about God, yourself, and other people, expect God to lead you on adventures that will challenge you to take risks and trust him in deeper ways. Keep following wherever God leads you – and as you do, you’ll keep inspiring others to follow wherever God leads them. Adapted from Thrive: Digging Deep, Reaching Out, copyright 2014 by Mark Hall. Published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Mich., zondervan.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:19:12 +0000

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