If yu trace back to anyones history its going to throw up a lot of - TopicsExpress


If yu trace back to anyones history its going to throw up a lot of different bit from communities nd ethnic grouping. Non of us is in any pure. The whole thing have been melted, shaving nd stirred nd blended until any of us would be had pressed to swear where we originated. Go back far enough and we all contain some thing a bit different. Apparently half of all European males carry a line DAT can be traced back to Genghis Khan and he came from Mongolia. My point? dont judge bcuz we are all humans all drawn melting pot. We are all related if yu go back far enough. Theres no difference. We have to accept other communities, other culture even if thou they are very different from ours bcuz the difference is so very little when yu wipe away vneery we all wear. Yes, we may wear different cloth nd speak different languages nd have different custom but we all fall in love, all want someone to hold nd hug to have a family, to be happy nd successful, not to be afraid of the dark, to live a long time, die a good death, to be attractive nd not to get fat, old or sick. What does it matter if we wear a suit, a sari or a grass skirt if deep down we are cry when we are hurt, laugh when we are joyful nd our stomach grumble when we are hungry? The veneer wiped away in a seconds nd then we are all the same, all quite lovely nd quite, quite human. Think About It. Do Have A Great Day All.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:58:20 +0000

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