Igbo Language Is In Coma ! In the year 2025, Igbos may not know - TopicsExpress


Igbo Language Is In Coma ! In the year 2025, Igbos may not know how to speak Igbo language again --- UN 2012 Prediction Did You Know ? The Igbo is the only Nigerian thatll be so proud to let the World know how fluent he/she can be with other languages like Hausa & Yoruba that make-up Nigerias multi-ethnic Federation, but he/she scarcely or proudly communicates in Igbo-language when in contact with fellow Igbos. - Anonymous In 2012, The U.N shocked the Igbo race when they predicted that Igbo language will be extinct by the year 2025. In a bid to save the situation, which seemed to be an imminent death of the Igbo language, Prof. Innocent Eleazu, a U.S based economist, founded Asusu-Igbo Teta Association International, for preservation of Igbo language and culture; A body based in the U.S. The agenda was for prominent Igbo sons and daughters to come together and proffer solutions to the preservation of Igbo language. In July 18 & 20 of 2012, the aforementioned body held its first annual conference in Umuahia, Nigeria. However, as Sun Newspapers reported,It was a DISASTER, an anticlimax , as many prominent Igbo sons and daughters, government officials and traditional rulers who, ordinarily, ought to have graced the occasion were nowhere to be found, despite Prof. Eleazus letters to them. Now, with that as an instance, is it not clear that the U.N might not be wrong with their prediction? If our prominent Igbo individuals would care less about such imminent tragedy, shouldnt the Igbo race brace up for a possible Igbo language extinction? With the UN 2012 research, findings & prediction that BY 2025, IGBO LANGUAGE WOULD BE SUBSUMED BY OTHER STRONGER NIGERIAN LANGUAGES - Hausa, Yoruba et al, Is anyone shocked? We shouldnt be! Reason is, most Igbos value Hausa and Yoruba languages more than our own Igbo language! The UNESCO Advisory Committee On Language Pluralism & Multi-Language Education have adviced that if nothing is done by its users the IGBO PEOPLE, to ensure the language is not only taught in schools, colleges, universities but to be made part of official language in government & business circles in the South East of Nigeria, the Igbo language would die by 2025! Now the big question is; Are we not seeing the U.N prediction as a time-bomb waiting to explode? If the people that own a language are ashamed to communicate freely in public with their mother-tongue, why should we Igbos say the U.N prediction is an abomination against the Igbo race just like many Igbos frowned at, and condemned the U.N findings? Dont we experience it daily online & offline ? Reading this, some might say charity begins at home; And would ask , Why didnt Tony Kanu the writer of this article practice what hes trying to preach with this one written in Igbo language? Before you ask, ill give an answer which is............. It is beyond my personal efforts to remedy the situation. Will i barge into homes and start telling Igbo parents to teach their children their mother-tongue or coerce anyone to be proud of or maintain his/her lingual-heritage? The answer is NO! What we see today as regards the non-usage of Igbo language may have started in different Igbo homes . No blame on anyone because we are all entitled to choices. But, wont it be a shame we might just lose our most precious heritage which is the Igbo language? Despite this call, I still posit English being a global language must be perfected in its usage because we wont remain in the confines of the Igbo-land forever. But even as we make efforts to perfect our knowledge of the English and other foreign or local Languages, we must aswell preserve our own Igbo lingual-heritage. Samuel Johnson , a British author said I am always sorry when any language is lost, because languages are the pedigrees of Nations. With such quotes, the Igbo man should know that his desire and the struggle for the liberation of Igbo race is not only about having an Igbo nation; We must preserve our heritage and the Igbo language is first to be reckoned with before any other struggle. Lets keep the Igbo language alive. Asusu Igbo Amaka! As i drop my e-ballpoint, i ask everyone of us these two pertinent questions…..................... i. Do Igbos despise their own Igbo lingual-heritage ? ii. If yes, what could be reason for such level of inferiority complex ?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 19:16:48 +0000

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