Ignorance of the law is no excuse. So I have been told. I had no - TopicsExpress


Ignorance of the law is no excuse. So I have been told. I had no idea that when I liked Jennifer M Silverbergs status I was joining this Facebook vanity game. And she gave me 12! Oh well; here goes. 1. I read a book a day. Literally. My book budget each month is astronomical. 2. I cant go to sleep at night without either reliving a book I am reading, with me as a central character, or without creating my own story in my head. 3. I still read comic books and find them to be just as deep, intelligent, and engaging as any full-length classical novel you may cite as a counter. 4. I have 9 tattoos if you count the radiation dots from my cancer treatments. But the number is 7 as I have been getting new ink to cover those dots/memories and only one is left. 5. I love babies and am sad that its ok to walk up to any strange dog and make cooing noises at it and play with it, but try that with a baby and the police are quickly involved. 6. My favorite poet is Charles Bukowski. His words and life have had an amazing impact on me. 7. I have hairy feet. Seriously. I have Hobbit feet and I dont understand why that grosses people out. I love the feeling of the wind whipping through my feet hair when I hang me out of the car window. 8. I was on a nuclear submarine on a guest tour (thanks Craig Norheim) and one night, hundreds of miles from land in the middle of the Atlantic, we surfaced and I went topside and saw the night sky as I had never seen it before. It was so beautiful I wept. 9. I wish I were a beat boxer. I find those guys so freaking awesome. How do they do that? 10. Awkward social situations on TV make me so uncomfortable that I have to look away or leave the room. 11. I wish I were brave enough to join something the SCA (Seamus MacRiain know of this!). I want to do it, but I think I need a local friend to usher me in. 12. I think this whole game is vain and was uncomfortable doing this. I would have loved for the game to be one where I had to tell Jennifer 12 things in think about her. Thats it. Be warned, people; if you like my status Ill have to give you a number to do the same. If you dont, and angel will kill a kitten and some fool will give the Nigerian their life savings in the hopes of getting 800 million dollars.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:57:07 +0000

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