Ignore scoundrel media who won, who lost horserace rubbish. US - TopicsExpress


Ignore scoundrel media who won, who lost horserace rubbish. US electoral politics is too debauched to fix. Big money corrupts it. Democracy is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. Most bums are reelected. New ones replace others. Things change but stay the same. Special interests rule. People have no say. US-style democracy mocks the real thing. Key points bear stressing. Fact: Americas electoral process is farcical. Fact: Kabuki theater. Fact: Illegitimate by any democratic standard. Fact: Things arent what they seem. Fact: Skim milk masquerades as cream, wrote WS Gilbert. Fact: Candidates are pre-selected, pre-packaged cardboard cutouts. Fact: Powerful interests choose them. Fact: Big money owns them. Fact: Key outcomes are predetermined. Fact: Voters get the best democracy money can buy. Fact: Media critic Robert McChesney calls Americas system a dollarocracy. Fact: Big money and media election complex controlled. Fact: Monied interests win every time. Fact: Ordinary people lose. Fact: Duopoly power rules. Fact: Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. Fact: Interchangeable with each other. Fact: Not a dimes worth of difference separates them on issues mattering most. Fact: Including corporate empowerment, imperial wars, police state justice, Big Brother surveillance, and capitals divine right to exploit workers, control markets, plunder world resources, and rule without challenge. Fact: Beneficial social change doesnt matter. Fact: Independents are shut out. Fact: Media scoundrels ignore them. Fact: Issues mattering most go unaddressed. Fact: Horse race journalism and trivia substitute. Fact: Millions of Americans are disenfranchised. Fact: Millions more dont vote. Fact: Half the electorate or more opts out. Fact: Why bother. Their interests arent represented. Fact: Tuesdays turnout was a pathetic 38%. In California, barely above one-third. Fact: Despite almost $4 billion spent campaigning. Fact: The most expensive midterm ever. Fact: The supremely pro-business High Courts Citizen United ruling gave monied interests virtually unlimited power to control things. Fact: One dollar now = one vote. Trampling on democratic freedoms. Affording them to special interests only. Denying them to all others.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:06:51 +0000

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