Iisha Munoz- ~ Mate, im telling you. Louis was moving his hands - TopicsExpress


Iisha Munoz- ~ Mate, im telling you. Louis was moving his hands around in a ridiculous manner. Your audition was so much better than mine, I should be bowing down to you because it was so much better. Louis dramatically dropped to his knees on the middle of the side walk. Get up. Harry murmured embarrassed, the rest of the boys were hiding their laughter. Sorrayy! he got up wiping the dirt off his knees. Someone is in a mood. He crossed his arms over his chest pouting. That was over four years ago, get over it. Harry snapped, looking away from his friend. The boys were walking in downtown Orlando, at the moment, getting swarmed of course, but what else did they expect, their bodygaurds were guiding them, not stopping for anything, anytime the boys got silly and slowed down they had to run to keep up. Harrys arm immediantly shot out, his hand wacking Louis in the stomache and the others to a sudden stop. His eyes were fixated on something in the distance, no one could see what he was looking at they were too worried about him. Who is that? He whispered biting his lip. Who? They all turned in unison to see the girl, that had caught Harry Styles eye. Liams eyes widened in realization of what was about to happen, being daddy direction, he put his foot down waving his hands in front of him furiously. No. before he could look at Harry, he saw him walking towards the girl. Hey. He walked up behind her and whispered in her ear, you could see her shutter, knowing he gave her goosebumps made him smile. H-hi. She stuttered turning around. You could see Harrys posture stiffen as he visibly took in a breath, looking her up and down taking in her appearance, her dark hair that was shoulder length, her big dark eyes, the glasses on her nose made her eyes seem bigger, and yet he couldnt keep from staring at her, he looked at her smiling, he couldnt help himself. He extended his arm to her Harry. He greeted She smiled taking his hand, shaking it she said, I know, but Iisha. You could see the blush creeping up on her cheeks as she looked into his green eyes, his eyes never left her, his firm grip on her hand in their handshake. His smiled becoming more prominent the longer he was looking at her. So, me and my mates, he jabbed his thumb back at his band mates, Were going to get a bite, to eat and if your not busy... he trailed off smiling at her, his eyebrows cocked, a sparkle in his green eyes, of hope. She smiled wider, almost giggling nodding her head Yes, I would love to join you. she kept hold of his hand, bringing it to her side and walking over towards the boys, Plus, she added Liam...is hot. He looked at her, his smiled faultering as she winked at him, and his smile was bigger and brighter than ever. ~ Hope you like it! ~Leeyummღ
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 13:44:09 +0000

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