@ Ike,the guns across the borders have been quiet since the - TopicsExpress


@ Ike,the guns across the borders have been quiet since the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize.....I suppose it is a pure coincidence, is it in your opinion due to Nobel or 20,000 mortar shells hard line response of the new Modi no nonsense strategic response or backing out by the two sides due to risk bigger escalation? .....what is the future? I think war is not any more an option. Understanding of history is, I would recommend a course of history instead of jingoism. Military option between India and Pakistan have lost all credibility especially with successes of radical Islam in face of dismantling of regular armies and national military defeats. A stable Pakistan and north of sub continent is a must for India. Pakistan/India dispute is a single point dispute it is not an existential dispute. It has a possible resolution. Partition luckily for India bequeathed the most troublesome of the northern region that remained cause of several invasions even by the Brits in the hand of the new nascent nation, no greater tragedy could have been asked. Medieval technology is used to defeat the 21st century advancement. What we call Pakistan is the land that contained the invasion routes to the subcontinent. Khyber Pass and Bolan Pass are not the creation of the ISI or Pakistani state, neither was Bin Qasim nor Mongol Tamerlane or Nadir Shah, Ghauri or Ghaznavi were. North of the sub-continent was the lawless land for millennia where most if these invasions fermented and that hate remains and regrettably the we all are like cradle of civilisation countries victims of hate of history as of today.I wish we become big hearted and be inclusive. The cradle of all invasions to Indian sub continent left to a nation newly formed. That is the true background of the lawlessness and warlordism in the region called Pakistan, it is part of the curse of history. By shear coincidence the entire region was cut off from the subcontinent and a buffer placed in between, people have forgotten the thousands of years of history and squarely place the blame on the region not on the history. A war leading to military defeat will lead to a power vacuum. A strategic power vacuum in the region where Pakistan is situated will lead to similar consequences like Peninsular Arabia post debathification of Iraq and Syria, in absence of a strong credible arbiter in the region too many vested extreme interests like ISIS shall crop up that will be extremely difficult to handle. What next is the question for the morning after? Military tacticians worry more about consequences and outcomes than the war itself. What will happen next after a military victory, occupation? And next what? Perpetual Jihad, once the thorn of Pakistan is removed the entire subcontinent Muslim once again will unite against a common Hindu enemy. Today a secular India is a best bet against any such happening. Cant you see that coming? You need a strong nation in the North, the last thing you need is debathification of Pakistan where there is no one to talk to but. Baghdadi like bloke dangling nukes! When Pakistan fights a full scale war in North Waziristan it is a war for the stability of sub continent, if Indian strategists cannot even think that as a plus it is strange. Pakistan needs to overcome its pre occupations to like with tehkeydari of Islam and needs to have far bigger devolution, but without a strong Army the centrifugal forces in Pakistan are far too great historically, they need a strong force to deter the implosion of the state from the hands of nearly 2 m very active Jihadi radicals. The curse of history has weakened the land and region called Pakistan from its inception historically. We need to understand that Pakistan is at cross roads of history, it is a product of sensitive geography and tragic history of confrontation and violence. Some lands are more quarrelsome than others; some are cursed with violence of history. Tribal North the hotbed of global fundamentalism is one such troubled zone, cut off form the world since centuries, even British never bothered to rule it and granted it a status of autonomous tribal area where writ of Pakistani government rarely functions, people grow hashish and run guns, now with the distance collapsing, such areas are breeding grounds over cheap jihads. The heavy weight of the violent North West Frontier Province of India by that 1947 partition was bequeathed to a state which was young and created on the concept of homeland of Islam. It was and is tainted with blood.The heavy weight of the violent North West Frontier province of India by that 1947 partition was bequeathed to a state which was young and created on the concept of a “homeland of Islam’. It was and is tainted with blood. What changed in 1977 was that these landlocked warriors whose forays never extended beyond north of India were put in bed with the most radical elements of the Wahabbi Islam. Under Carter, in 1977, these landlocked warriors whose forays never extended beyond north of India were put in bed with the most radical elements of the Wahabbi Islam. To destroy USSR red Marxist sin, black standards and turbans were considered a lesser vice. The combination of young bin Laden’s with Zai’s and Pushtoons in thousands in an eagerness to bring USSR down brought about a new dynamics of global Jihad. Liberals, in a short bastardization of history, blame it all on Pakistan. India should help make Pakistan stable, a peaceful, economically stable Pakistan is the best course for India, lets go back to history. To the north of Pakistan is a disintegrated land under pressure from neighbouring nations and historical battlefield where rival nations could wage their proxy wars. Indeed it is doubtful whether even many Western nations would have been able to cope with the strain faced by Pakistan. An Indian army of nearly a million face off Pakistan at the border and in the highlands of the Khyber Pass Pakistan is pitted against the fanatical Islamic terrorist. Instead of helping them, to kick them is foolhardy. Who else is going to do the job if Pakistan as a federation is condemned? Had there been no partition in a United India, India would have had to contend with a 550 million strong Muslim minority with a keen awareness of their ruled past united from North to South against dominant Hindu rule. Partition diluted the political folklore of a heavenly Muslim nation, rather the failure of Pakistan to present itself as a functional democratic state has helped cool down the Islamic fervour amongst Indian Muslims. The rise of secularism within Indian society is across the sectarian divide. Though in radically charged Kashmir today it requires 700,000 troops to subdue and pacify the regional population, which has not reconciled itself with an imposed Indian identity. Can one truly imagine the consequences of a 350-million strong disaffected minority? Partition separated the most vocal and radicalised segment of the subcontinents populace in one area and created a huge buffer between secular India and the Islamic Republic. It also created a bigger distance from the warlords from the North once and for all. It is a blessing in disguise for India that they could phenomenally progress in peace without any intervention from religious warlords from the North or the disgruntled radicalised majority Islamic provinces. The war in Afghanistan will only end if the Pushtoon populace leaves this medieval mindset of Talibenisation. I wish Stalin had taken this region too and swallowed it like the other “’Stans” for fifty years; we would have seen tremendous human development as a result. It is not Pakistan but history and ideology of Islam that bonded Indians into slavery of mind for a lot of its last millennium history. Uzbekistan, the home place of Babur, is far more progressed and enlightened than Afghanistan, may be forced communism brought some veneer of political correctness and pragmatism. Time, forbearance and academic relevance and informed decisions based on our dark history can help our future generations otherwise we face a bleak future of war, we need to grow up and face our demons and lets talk a loud. We are nuclear tipped nations, we should talk sense and balanced not foolish jingoism putting total blame on each other. People who ignore history are the worst offenders and fools, lets not be fools and lets grow up and show up some maturity. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 08:48:19 +0000

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