Ill admit, ever since this whole thing has started, I havent been - TopicsExpress


Ill admit, ever since this whole thing has started, I havent been able to sleep much. So, last night I put my brain to work. This is the letter I wrote to Hoochie, Goochie, and ASD.: Dear Ms. Thorton, Mr. Gooch, and Mr. Arthur S. Demoulas: I’m writing to you today as a loyal employee, and a voice; a voice for the little guy. We’re all scare to lose our jobs, but most importantly, we’re scared to lose a grocery store chain that has helped put food on the table for so many struggling Americans across New England. However, to fully understand what we’re fighting for, you must look at the long history of this wonderful company; a company on which you intend on destroying. This company was founded nearly a century ago by Greek immigrants who, like so many immigrants who enter this great nation, were looking for the American Dream. They found that American Dream in the City of Lowell, Massachusetts. They opened up a small store that would end up becoming a staple in New England. That staple is an opportunity for immigrants who come to New England looking for work. It’s an opportunity for them to have their American Dream come true, such as one that came true for our founders. However, this isn’t just an opportunity for immigrants, but for the disabled as well. This is the only company that I know of that gives people with disabilities a chance to work, and feel like everyone else. Arthur T. Demoulas made these wonderful people feel just as important as every other Market Basket associate. Now, let’s continue to look at why this company is so great. In my 22 years of being on God’s green planet, I’ve never heard of nor have I seen a company so committed to its customers, and its employees like Market Basket has. This commitment has given the company countless awards and recognition. You simply don’t see that in a company that’s as big as we are. The fact about this company that shocks people the most, is that we have never been in debt. Not once has this company gone into debt in the near century that it’s been in business. However, that has all changed since you three have taken over. In fact, everything about this company has changed. These changes weren’t made for the better, but instead for the worst. You promised that nothing would change to make us feel better about the transition, but everything you have said has been a complete fabrication. You have lied to your hard working employees, and you have lied to your loyal customers. You three have completely cut off communication to your employees; something Mr. Arthur T. Demoulas would never dream of doing. Mr. Arthur T. Demoulas never cared about the money; it was the people he was the most passionate about. He made sure that his customers, and his employees were well taken care of. It was this kind of compassion that has made employees stay, and customers coming back. When the economy tanked in 2008, businesses, such as our competitors, struggled. However, Market Basket continued to thrive because it was the only grocery store in the area that offered affordable prices to the people who were hit the hardest by this economical downfall. Today, we continue to feel the lasting effects of the 2008 Recession, and Market Basket continues the promise of keeping food affordable for those who continue to struggle. It’s people like my parents who struggle every day to make ends meet. They struggle to pay their bills, pay their mortgage or rent, and struggle to put food on the table. Market Basket has provided these struggling Americans with more food for their buck. However, you have no clue what this company has meant to these struggling Americans because you don’t know the meaning of the word struggle. You have all the money in the world, and yet your intent is to destroy a company that means so much to so many people. Your main goal is to make people suffer. During this recession, which is the worst recession since the Great Depression, we’ve seen big businesses trample over the little guy. We’ve seen this happen one too many times, and we won’t let this sort of thing happen to our great company. This is a company that is worth fighting for, and Arthur T. Demoulas is our driving force. He has done so much for so many people, and now we’re returning the favor. We won’t allow our wonderful company to fall victim to corporate greed. We know all too well about your past business ventures Ms. Thorton, and Mr. Gooch. We won’t allow you to take our money and run, like you have done in the past. Over the past few weeks, your actions to the company can be described as criminal, wrong and unjustified. The Attorneys General from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and now Maine have all gotten involved in the mess you have created. They have said that what you’re doing is illegal. Lawsuits are now coming at you from every angle, and yet this doesn’t faze you one bit. The world now knows all too well about this stunt you’re pulling. Your names are now being slandered around our great planet, and yet you continue to push. What you’ve done here is wrong, and it’s illegal. You three are the biggest crooks since Bernie Madoff. Bernie Madoff pulled a similar, more complex stunt, such as the one you’re pulling, and he’s now serving life behind bars. My suggestion to you; give the company back to Arthur T. Demoulas before every last penny you have is gone. Take the deal and leave the country because there is no place here that will hire crooks, such as yourselves, to “help” run their company. Your names will go in books for all the wrong reasons. You three are the biggest reason why I’m getting into politics. It’s time that the little guy, such as myself, has their voice heard. We’ve spoken, but you don’t like that. Well, get used to hearing our voices. You’re going to hear them until our demands are met. To Arthur S. Demoulas: Your parents, especially your father, must be rolling in their graves. You have destroyed the company your father, George Demoulas, helped build. Furthermore, you have forever tarnished the Demoulas family name. You were given your paternal grandfather’s name, and you tarnished that as well. I really don’t know how you could live with yourself knowing that you have done such despicable acts. You must feel a certain sense of sick pride knowing that you’ve ruined peoples’ lives, and all the destruction you have done to this company. This wasn’t about the money, but instead it was revenge. You sought revenge for something that happened decades ago. Most people forget about what happened that long ago, and move on. However, that wasn’t good enough for you. You didn’t get your way then, and now that you have, you take it out on everyone. These are traits of a bully. You’ve bullied us, and you’ve bullied your family. I was bullied when I was younger; I didn’t like it then, and I certainly don’t like it now. I will not stand for such acts. Just a word of warning: The more you continue to push, we’ll continue to push right back. We will win the fight. You’re dealing with 25,000 employees, and over 3 million customers. We are also protected by labor laws. Give up the fight while you still have some pride left. Sincerely, Harry T. Scondras Associate of store 33
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:47:29 +0000

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