Ill be doing an Atheism tip in the coming days and weeks for those - TopicsExpress


Ill be doing an Atheism tip in the coming days and weeks for those interested. The more Atheists and Agnostics that come out the less stigma there will be. SO to begin. What is an Atheist? An Atheist simply lacks belief in any God or Gods. We demand evidence. We neither deny or promote the existence of one or more Gods. If Gods or god like beings are ever proven to exist, we will accept it, but will not worship them, because they are not worthy of worship simply for being what they are. It takes more faith to not believe than to believe. No. Faith has several definitions, but in terms of religion it means belief that is not based on proof or evidence. As an Atheist you should demand evidence and a reasoned argument. We can have faith in people, situations based on past observations, etc. But the supernatural demands extraordinary proof. We do not hate God, nor did God make us hate him/her/them. We simply have no reason to believe they exist or if they do, have shown no factual evidence to influence human behavior and evolution beyond hearsay and want. Some individual Atheists may hate God, but they are not atheist, they are agnostic. We are trying to push ourselves on others. Some Atheists may, but as a whole we do not. We seek to allow everyone to live in a secular society that allows people of all types to exist, and coexist. Theocratic societies do not allow for free practice of other or pagan beliefs or lack of belief. Punishments can be severe. We want all to live in a world where secularism, the rights of all are recognized, but no policies are made to impose onto others. Atheist have done bad things in the past. Yes they have, most commonly brought up are Pol Pot and Stalin They didnt do what they did in the name of Atheism, they did it because they sucked at life. Where do your morals come from, arent you just using an excuse? Our morals and all human morals throughout history have come from humans interacting with other humans, and deciding whats best for that particular society. Morals like humans change over the years. But the highest morals equate to do no harm, and do as you please. You dont understand the bible/koran/torah/etc. Most Educated atheists come from a religious background, and many say they came to it after reading those texts in depth. Others read and study it so they can use the words within against itself. The best arguments for secularism come from contextual understanding of those texts and stories. How can you be spiritual but have no belief. Atheists claim a deeper connection to the environment, the Earth, and Nature. They are astounded by Space, or celestial phenomena, but the endorphin rush comes from a sense of awe and wonder, and wanting to know more, without attaching a supernatural tag to the experience. What happens when you die? We dont know! We dont know, nor remember where we came from. Nor do we know where we are going after its all over. The goal is to treat each other well, pursue our paths, leave our memories in others, and pass on. Thats it. no rewards, no punishments. Its cold but until something changes Atheists accept that.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:56:10 +0000

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