Ill be the first one to admit it; There has been a great lack of - TopicsExpress


Ill be the first one to admit it; There has been a great lack of thought-provoking, deep, personal, or insightful statuses from me lately. Its not that Ive lost interest in sharing my ideas with you all, or that Ive lost interest in that kind of thing altogether, because philosophical questions and the like will always intrigue me. But, recently I have learnt there is good reason for my absence. You see, I used to write from the pain of one traumatic incident, and I would channel my feelings and emotions into writings, and then post them here. Sure, it helped, and it was fun seeing everyones feedback because I knew Id enlightened some minds that day with my own opinions; like a tiny army of followers Id forged with my ideas. but, the sad truth is, the day you learn to stop caring is the day you become happier. now, I dont mean simply not caring about anything at all, because that would make you a douche, but rather the act of not caring about the larger worlds depressive reality. I used to question everything; I had this leech on my brain that had to be fed with the answers to life, the universe, and everything. but now, that kind of stuff doesnt bother me anymore. Ive ceased on the writing of those lengthy statuses because Im just here to have fun. You get one go around in life, so just make the most of it. Focus on the things you love doing; for the first time in my life I know what I want to do with my life, and you may have noticed evidence of my hobbies such as photography, and editing. Bad stuff will always happen to me, and to anyone, but I wont sit around questioning why it happened to me anymore. Ill shrug it off, and Ill move on with something else. No benefit ever came to anyone who attempted to answer lifes impossible questions, like; why me?. Either this experience has hardened me, or Ive just learnt to dumb myself down. I suppose this whole thing couldnt have appeared more cliched, but its honestly that obvious and that simple. My apologies go out to those who expected more of my witty mind juice on their home page, and maybe when the moon is full Ill return, but at least take my absence from writing as a sign that I am finally happy. Im just far too happy, like the simple dog that knows life is too short to not enjoy life everyday and be excited about literally everything. From the desk of Peajam. Dictated, but not read. goodnight everybody.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:12:51 +0000

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