Ill be the first to admit that I am terrible about giving updates - TopicsExpress


Ill be the first to admit that I am terrible about giving updates when life gets busy. I appreciate everyones thoughts and concerns! Rosie is doing very well. We have had a few hiccups but overall shes doing amazing. She is finally able to eat after 4 days being NPO. Her incision is healing well and her pain is mostly under control. I had her laughing and playing with me yesterday! She was probably in such a happy mood because her Oma finally got to come visit :) I now understand roid rage. My girl goes from sweet and cuddly to screaming mad just like that. Its worse at night. She wakes up screaming every hour all night long. This has been going on the last 3 nights. Im praying she gets through this rough patch quickly. Its especially hard for me because she doesnt want me when shes angry. She just wants to be left alone. There has never been a second in her life when she didnt want Mom. I know its the steroids and not really her, but it still breaks my heart. They said the first week post transplant was going to rough. They werent kidding. A few prayer requests. 1. Continued healing and comfort for Rosie 2. Peace and comfort for our donors family 3. That all the other families waiting for their childs gift will get the call 4. Strength and patience for me You all are such a blessing to us and I appreciate your prayers and support so very much. The worst part is over. No more waiting and wondering if she will get her gift in time to save her life. She won, BA did not. Six days ago I was the mother of a dying child. Today Rosie gets to live. Today should be a nice, easy day so I will try to set time aside to update and post more pictures. I resume my pharmacy training Monday so I might be slow with updates again but please know that if anything was wrong I would let everyone know. I apologize for worrying some of you with my lack of updates, but it is such a blessing to my heart to see the love you all have for my child and other kiddos like her. There is so much hate and evil in this world. People like you make this world beautiful. God bless you all and we love you!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 15:21:14 +0000

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