Ill begin this post only with an apology to my sweet Ginny Van - TopicsExpress


Ill begin this post only with an apology to my sweet Ginny Van Sickle Johnson and no one else. I feel that she may be embarrassed at times by statements that I make on political issues. To her I apologize and want everyone to know that although she agrees with my political views she is too much of a Lady to express her views as vocal as I. In the future I will TRY to abstain from making some of the comments that I have in the past. I feel that this Country is on the Eve of Destruction as the words of the Barry McGuire song goes. I dont have a big enough platform to express my views and attempt to enlighten the voters in my beloved Country. 99% of my friends feel likewise and my feelings on here mean little. When a liberal moron happens to slip through I delete or block them because they have nothing to offer other than blaming others. So in the future if I may be non-vocal about it, dont take it as me not caring, because I am very caring and passionate about my Country and the thousands of men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us to be able to do the things we do today. I do this only because I dont want my precious Wifes friends and relatives to think she is married to a political radical. I am not that....I am a passionate AMERICAN who wants his Country back from the low life that is running it now. I realized this morning how gullible voters are. Mary Landrieu is expected to be re-elected in a landslide this year after all she has done to destroy this Country and Louisiana in particular. If no one is interested or gives a damn about the ones who have DIED defending this once Great Nation, in my opinion you are worse than what I have to scrape off my shoe when I step in a surprise that my wonderful animals left for me. That goes for Barrack Hussain Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mary Landrieu, the shameless National Press, and the more than 56 million citizens & voters of this Country. You are all gutless scum. My wifes feelings mean more to me than any of you miserable morons and I wouldnt piss on any of you to put out the fire that will send you to HELL. As I said in the beginning if you dont see me vocalize as in the past, DONT make the mistake of believing that the fire of passion has gone out in my soul for my Country.....
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 18:48:25 +0000

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