Ill keep this as short as possible. this is a subject ive - TopicsExpress


Ill keep this as short as possible. this is a subject ive been wanting to talk to yall about....the fact that i saw this TODAY ties in with how i wanted to begin to explain.....THEEE most interesting person in my life right now is a really cool,really smart person who spent 20yrs in the ministry (by the way we are the same age) he spent the last 3yrs teaching theology at a college....he walked away completely believing that its all b.s. to try quickly to explain....the events and the people in my life have caused deep thinking in me..(this includes all of you) faith is rock solid and really has nothing to do with my catholic upbringing. ..i. simply put was born knowing.....i would love to elaborate more but it would take to long.....he recently turned me on to a site called why wont God heal amputees. ...i have been reading as fast as i can these past few is very interesting. ....the book i most recommend is called May the angels be with you....i believe it...totally. ....also i would like to add that i have passed thru every church there is and have befriended people in all....(on a personal note....i quite enjoyed the Pentecostal and their most recent prophetic movement) best friend is jewish and a special girlfriend was a Buddhist. ,the point is a consider myself somewhat of an authority on the subject.....i could go on for far to long so i will close asking if any of you have any thoughts or comments i would love to hear them.....if you do read any of the atheist site keep in mind i first recommend a book called may the angels be with you...........peace out
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:38:13 +0000

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