Ill never understand, for the life of me, why some of the Love - TopicsExpress


Ill never understand, for the life of me, why some of the Love for Country/Religion Like pages, as well as other types of Like pages, are stirring up the pot, politically or otherwise? smh... Ive never seen so much hate and bad vibes in my life. Some of the comments on these pages, or on ones that are shared from these pages, are just unreal and seem to be coming from hearsay media outlets. Anyone can make up these photo-shopped cartoon-like photos, taken from real-life photos. Ive seen some of the actual photos that come from headlines, that have been changed to meet the moment. We should be trying to recapture our heritage, rather than spewing out all this hate and unrest. Let it be known, there are good and decent politicians, and there are bad and devious politicians, who have lost their way, due to bribes and greed. Now, when we try to destroy someones character, just because they are in public office is definitely not the answer. So, unless we have positive proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that someone is not worthy of holding an office, is deliberately destroying what is given to us by the Creator, and if it can be proven (not by hearsay or from prejudiced organizations and media); but by what we have actually seen with our own eyes, then they should, by all means, be voted out, next time around. Im just wondering what God and Jesus thinks about these posts and comments, and/or if They would approve of what is being said. Ive always heard from the previous generation that politics and religion have never agreed and should not be discussed in the same breath or conversation. On the other hand, I am so sorry that, due to folks demanding that that prayer, worship and the 10 Commandments and other religious entities be taken out of the public and/or political establishments, we are not allowed our God given privilege of doing so. But we CAN, privately in our hearts, continue. Just remember, There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. ~ Proverbs 6:16-19 Lets not be one of these six reasons. Enough said.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:45:56 +0000

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