Ill never understand religious fanaticism. Why some people feel - TopicsExpress


Ill never understand religious fanaticism. Why some people feel the need to look down on others or insinuate that their religion or God is greater or more powerful than another... Such bogus hogwash... Who cares what religion your into? What God your pray too. Religion is ment to give one hope. A belief that there is a greater power other than yourself that you can call on for strength, understanding, forgiveness and guidance. It doesnt matter who you pray too as long as you have faith in something. It could be nature or the Dhali Llama. It could be Jesus or Mohamed. Buddha or Christina. You could pray to go to heaven or dwell in the halls of Valhalla or pray to reside in hell. Believe in a pagan God or simply have no God to pray to at all. I really dong care as I have no need to down anyone or fear any religion. Yes, I have southern Baptist roots, and when I pray I pray to the prophet Jesus, but he wasnt the only one I know that. I do believe in God, but not a vengeful, cruel God. A God of my understanding not yours!!! Religion shouldnt be intended to control the masses and add hate and prejudices to a already cruel world, but thats what its done. In the hands of fanatics and people who want to control your world and your soul. We as humans have this unique thing called consciousness meaning we are the only creatures that can think for ourselves, know we exist and can question where we came from and where we are going. Religion is ment to give us faith, hope, strength and a belief that there is a higher power greater than ourselves that we can rely on, turn too or even live for. Religion shouldnt be used to control, discriminate, or make others feel weak, inadequate or inferior. Those negative actions are the work of man because he is fearful of what he doesnt understand. Remember that today when you meet someone different than you.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 12:30:00 +0000

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