Ill restate a statement from the other day, but elaborate... One - TopicsExpress


Ill restate a statement from the other day, but elaborate... One thing I love about Jesus is that he considered his audience when addressing situations, explaining or expounding truth. One thing I dislike deeply and am learning to dislike even more about good olFaceBook is that the writer/responder cannot possibly consider their audience within their post. So you end up with varying degrees of thoughts put to words on FB that are capable (at the same time) of provoking, stirring up, causing deep doubt, division, confusion, anger, and suspicion. The ones that are angered, feel provoked, stirred up...will of course, respond. Wow, Ive been a recipient. :-) Im MUCH more concerned about the reader that walks away confused, filled with doubt and suspicion. These comments may be valid, and in the right setting, provoke great discussion. They use to gather at the gate if the city et al and discuss in healthy ways what we now just post. Consider your audience. Its massively diverse and they ALL matter. (OK, Jerry now steps OFF soapbox!) goodnight :-)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 02:48:15 +0000

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