Ill say it one more time... The pentagon, the Utah Data Center and - TopicsExpress


Ill say it one more time... The pentagon, the Utah Data Center and HAARP installations must all be demolished, destroyed, obliterated, torn down, taken apart and dismantled. This is no joke, there is no peace with these facilities on the face of the earth. These are literally the devils tools for the worlds destruction, the same devil that persecuted early gnostic christians and has been abusing children using the christian religion since earliest recorded around 1000 AD. This is the same devil that was persecuting Jews just like Jesus during his lifetime. Jews that were not afraid to think, to assemble and philosophize! Jews that were aware of their religion being tampered with by Roman invaders. This is the same egomaniacal devil that enjoys his ego-pride whenever people say he is evil or hateful. This devil is so arrogant and inflictive that his lust and beastly misery and suffering resonates throughout this entire corrupt world, because this devil remains unsatisfied. The devil remains unhappy, his never ending yearning for ephemeral, materialistic and momentary satisfaction hasnt brought him peace of mind or lasting happiness. True authentic happiness cant be obtained through inflictive means or abusive measures. Veritable happiness is not something you fill obtain from without you, it can only be found within. When we decide to help others or to make other people happy, it doesnt always require something palpable. A simple understanding, a story or a message can bring people great joy, and inspires others to share this love as well. What the devil needs is love, he will do the honorable thing if we just show our compassion. Fear in people brings out two major things out of the devil, first, he feels annoyed that you keep blaming him for all the suffering, no matter how true this is, the devil hates that, it tears him up and makes him very frustrated and angry. Frustrated demon is an angry pissy devil! He hates that, f-ing looser, cant be happy, cant enjoy life, so egotistical, always frustrated and unsatisfied... Fear also brings out the devils ego-pride, he gets that stupid grin on his big frustrated demon face, thats because he always contents himself with short-lived, temporary pleasures that are inflictive and is simply too stupid to understand that authentic happiness is not something that is base and materialistic, true happiness cant be obtained from inflicting suffering onto others, it cant be obtained by making people feel bad, it cant be obtained by hurting or harming anyone or anything. Everything has consequences, causes ripples, has after-effects, energy is conserved. Your actions have consequences, they even trigger butterfly effects that amplify the negativity or positivity of your actions and as the world is round and closed-up, this energy will undoubtedly radiate back towards you. What do you do, devil, when your own suffering is reflected back onto you? What happens, devil, when you see the irony of your wrath, the irony that you are inflictive because you suffer yourself, and that you are ultimately the cause of your own suffering? Thats why you burn in hell, devil, its because you WANT to suffer. Its your choice, devil; you can either seek authentic, true happiness, or brief, momentary satisfaction, but inflicting harm and suffering onto others can only make you more egotistical, inflictive, miserable and hateful, it wont make you happy. Devil, suffer, burn in the flames of your own misery and hatred if you really wish to. Liberate yourself, free yourself, you have grown sick and tired of your self-inflicted wounds, you keep blaming others, you are the cause of your own misery and suffering. Breathe deeply, appreciate everything, just breathing, appreciate a deep breath, enjoy and feel all the energy, the heat, particles of light, sound, the earth or grass beneath your bare feet, feel the wind on your skin and be, just be! Happiness isnt obtained through painful means, it requires introspection, vision, perception and mindful understanding, visualization... This world is an illusion, as much of an illusion as your dreams... Attain higher realms of consciousness to become conscious in a dream state, become conscious in the realm of the imaginary to obtain liberation.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:25:12 +0000

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