Ill start by saying this: For anyone who says they want a baby - TopicsExpress


Ill start by saying this: For anyone who says they want a baby and will love him or her no matter what has the beginnings of being a great mom! Whats the saying, if life gives you lemons make lemonade. Well, Hadlee has been our little ray of sunshine since my water broke at Jake Clark Mule days! We have never loved her any less because she couldnt hear us and I believe she never loved us back any less. Tomorrow we leave for what will seem like one of the longest days ever! Rode trip to Denver and at 8am Friday morning Hadlee will be in for the amazing gift of sound that you all have helped our family achieve! She will heR for the first time and I am unable to tell what that is going to feel like. I already have so many emotions! Im distracted, antsy, nervous, scared, and overwhelmed all in one! Josh and I will have to learn to choose our words wisely, learn to not wake her up at nap time and maintain ourselves when she turns to hear our words for the first time! We again want to thank you so much, for following her journey, every prayer and all the amazing donations. We will never be able to repay you. We have been holding off on the thank yous because we wanted to make sure you all get to SEE what you helped us achieve! We will be sending our the link to her Helping Hadlee Hear video which is being donated by a good friend of mine. DVDs will be available to anyone who would like a keepsake of her journey! I will let you know when those are complete. We will be making those as requested so please be patient with us. I would encourage you all to post a video of your first words you would like Hadlee to hear and we will video her watching you speak! Feel free to post. We love you and thank you. Stay tune!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:47:09 +0000

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