Illegal Aliens from Central America Cover for ISIS Advancing on - TopicsExpress


Illegal Aliens from Central America Cover for ISIS Advancing on US. WASHINGTON – A top U.S. Defense Department analyst under President Bush says ISIS, the Islamic jihadists creating a Muslim caliphate in Iraq and beyond, could use the Mexican border to infiltrate America, and it could happen “sooner rather than later.” At a time when thousands are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally each day, the risks might never be higher, said Michael Maloof, now a senior staff writer for WND and expert on the Middle East. He said there are risks to the economy and the nation’s health. And he warned the Iraq crisis easily could turn into a global issue. In the Middle East, the radical jihadists in the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Greater Syria), or ISIS, have been conquering northern portions of Iraq. They’ve been executing, crucifying and beheading as they burn through the fragile nation. They now threaten to overthrow the government of Iraq and its neighbors to build a caliphate to use as a launching pad for attacks on the U.S. and its allies. At the same time, some 1,500 illegal aliens are crossing the Mexico-U.S. border each day and the Obama administration has done little, if anything, to stop the influx. Putting the two together should raise alarms, he said. “ISIS may be working to infiltrate” the U.S. with the aid of transnational drug cartels, he said, citing the violent Mexican criminal gang MS-13 as a highly likely candidate for the partnership. “MS-13 already are in over 1,100 U.S. cities, and, as a consequence, the infiltration capabilities are very, very high and the threat from them can be sooner rather than later,” Maloof warned. If ISIS did smuggle operatives into the U.S. across the U.S.-Mexico border it would almost certainly not be the first time a terrorist group has done so. Officially recognized by the U.S. government as Special Interest Aliens (SIAs), since the onset of the war on terror WND and other media have reported multiple cases of foreign nationals, including al-Qaida sleeper operatives, being smuggled into the U.S. Further, in multiple instances the action was said to be aided by MS-13. As reported by WND in 2005, Paul L. Williams, a former FBI consultant and author of “The al-Qaida Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime and the Coming Apocalypse,” claimed that al-Qaida under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden had delivered nuclear technology into the U.S. Williams said at that time that former CIA Director George Tenet informed President Bush one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that at least two suitcase nukes allegedly had reached al-Qaida operatives in the U.S. Read more at wnd/2014/07/new-border-risk-isis-ties-to-mexican-drug-lords/#1fuB2YXBEx2U0L7q.99
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 22:03:09 +0000

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