Im 44 years old. There are lessons I wish I had learned 20 years - TopicsExpress


Im 44 years old. There are lessons I wish I had learned 20 years ago, but know that I wasnt ready to understand them at that point. I spent a life chastising my every move. Constantly focused on the failures of my flesh. The enemy likes it that way, because it is in that, that he keeps us in prison..What my Father is starting to show me, through many, many trials and hard lessons, is that He doesnt define me by what my flesh does, He defines me ONLY in what His Son did. You see, there is absolutely NO way I could stand boldly before the throne of God and have Him see ANYTHING but His Son. In the flesh, I am far too filthy. My best efforts at being good can even come close to touching the holiness of God. Thats why what we do CANT matter....we have to be made into something else. Being reborn into Gods family redifines us. When we are born-again, we are literally recreated. We are made NEW. We are essentially seperated from our flesh. We become a spirit inside a fleshly body, but its like a shell we reside in. We are no longer one with it....all tangled up in it. Will we still struggle with sin? Of course we will, but what we do doesnt define who we are. A true follower of YHWH would never take this and run with it, following the doctrines of the emergent church, where there is no speak of repentance. But rather, a true follower sees what an incredible gift they have been given---and that leads to deep humility, extreme gratefulness and great love for the One who has set us free from this body of sin and death. In all of this, we are free from worry, and can rest comfortably in the arms of our Father, knowing that He will work ALL things together for our good and His glory. He sees your end from your beginning. He knows the depths of your heart. He knows how hard it is to live in this fleshly body. He did it. The bible says, He was a man of sorrows, aquainted with grief. He was despised. He was rejected. He was abandoned by even His dearest and closest friends in His greatest time of need. He knows how hard it is for us to overcome....and He gives us everything we need to take care of it, and to live a life of holiness. Havent conquered a particular sin yet? Focus on Him. Keep seeking Him daily, praying continually. Focus on His greatness, NOT your sin and failures. He knows when you will finally understand how to use the tools He has given you, to conquer that sin. Trust Him, and STOP worrying. When you fail, repent with a contrite spirit, understanding the seriousness of your sin, but keep everything in perspective. Get back up. Forgive yourself...and REFOCUS on the goodness of our Father. Eyes fixed on our failures will only lead us to more of the same. Eyes fixed on Him leads us to peace. Be blessed...
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:28:55 +0000

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