Im Jumping out of 18 planes for Action on Depression! I am - TopicsExpress


Im Jumping out of 18 planes for Action on Depression! I am flying to Madrid on the 6th of September to become a qualified sky diver, Ill be doing 18 dives, 8 of which are to qualify and will be HD video recorded for all to see! Im doing this for a charity (Im paying for the whole course) called Action on Depression, an independent charitable organisation who offer help to people suffering from all types of depression. They look to bridge the gap between seeing your GP and getting professional NHS help which can take a long time. This can be too late for some. You are probably wondering why Im doing it for this charity. My dad took his own life after suffering depression. I have suffered from depression on and off for 7 years, at one point I hit rock bottom. I now know what its like to lose all hope in your life and come back from it. Luckily I have my mum who not only gave me life but saved it as well. Not everybody has this support and that is why Im doing this. Im not looking for sympathy or pity, I dont need it, Im telling my story because its a positive one. I read about people needlessly killing themselves and know that its possible to turn your life around and take positives from depression. Like anything in life you learn from it and the saying “what doesnt kill you makes you stronger“ doesnt hold more truth than in my situation. Since I started dealing with my depression, Ive realised how much of a weight can be lifted by talking about it. The support Ive received from family and friends has been nothing short of amazing. In the last year Ive travelled the East coast of Australia, met people from around the world Ill call friends forever, learned to Scuba Dive, saw one of the wonders of the world, abseiled through a waterfall and rode a bloody horse! Now Im doing this. My depression isnt a weakness anymore, its what gives me strength. While you may not realise it, we all have a family member or friend who suffers from this illness. Removing the stigma surrounding this illness and getting people the help they need is what I want from this. Even if it only helps one person it will be worth it. Can you please share this, like this and if you can, sponsor me! You can watch me doing my first 8 jumps as well! Thank you
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:42:09 +0000

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