Im Kara Linn. I am a search consultant with 10 years of - TopicsExpress


Im Kara Linn. I am a search consultant with 10 years of experience recruiting biostatisticians in the drug development industry nationally and internationally. Before that I worked in high-level technical sales within the telecommunications industry and prior to that, I was a teacher. I’m running for senate district 27 because I believe that our current state leaders are committing us to a path that will infect us with the same mentality that guides the policies of our federal government and will enslave us to their dictates and the pitfalls of their way of doing things—a mentality that has lead us into a massive debt of over $17 trillion. This is extremely important because what is at stake is Wyoming’s rich heritage of liberty and independence. We stand at a crossroads of an epic choice. We can continue to place our confidence in a group of people who failed to exercise the wisdom and self-control to respect the rule of law; who betrayed their oath to uphold our state’s constitution; and who continue to refuse to acknowledge the rebuke of our supreme court—a group that consciously rationalized their choice to overstep their authority on the basis of political expediency. We can enable this group by sanctioning their actions and giving them a mandate to continue to exercise their arbitrary power. If we do this, we will, without a doubt, see these same leaders roll out the red carpet to federal standards and mandates against local control of our schools. And, if we do this, we will be setting a very dangerous precedent that will move our state in the direction that will hasten its potentially irreversible decline; for when a people grants license to a group that has betrayed the public trust, where then are the bounds of accountability? Thomas Jefferson said, “In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” His words are timeless, full of wisdom, and we would do well to heed them. Because the people to whom we feel comfortable granting arbitrary power today will not be the people who will inherit that power tomorrow. I have been deemed by our local newspaper (hardly a proclaimer and defender of conservatism, liberty and truth), to be a one-issue candidate. First of all, if adherence to the rule of law, upholding of our state’s constitution, and resisting federal mandates over our education system are all considered one issue, I contend that it is an issue upon which any self-respecting statesman would be proud to hang his or her hat. It is also “an issue” that will be judged rightly by history, if not by our people in this election. My broad professional background covering education, technology, life sciences, and business coupled with my many diverse social and humanitarian interests qualifies me to be a great asset in the Wyoming senate. My personal opinion about the most important issues affecting Wyoming are as follows: 1. Education 2. Water 3. Fostering a strong, market-driven economy across all industries 4. Reducing our #1 rate (in the nation) of suicide 5. Political/social activism that undermine the foundations of our society No, I don’t hunt or fish, but I’m smart enough to get input on game and fish funding priorities from the appropriate sources and make responsible budget decisions. I doubt whether my opponent could adequately answer questions about women’s health and contraception options, if asked, either. So, before you make your voting decisions, please think about which candidate is most likely to make decisions that will honor you, your basic rights, and what is going to keep Wyoming strong, self-sufficient, and free. I believe, without a doubt, that I am that candidate, and I ask for your vote. Because YOU matter (we ALL matter), Kara Rae Linn
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:59:14 +0000

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