Im LISTENNING for MY pitch. I sense ALLAH (GOD / DIOS) is Trying - TopicsExpress


Im LISTENNING for MY pitch. I sense ALLAH (GOD / DIOS) is Trying to Tell me something! Could GOD actually WANT my attention? For WHAT and why ME? The above are hard questions to entertain for a dull MIND. Please do NOT take offense to my style of words. My Father the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his Representative the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan have ALWAYS stressed that WE must clean up! We are a people who have LEARNED to survive in and thrive out of CHAOS, CONFUSION, FILTH, DECADENCE, INDECENCY, CORREUPTION.. and NOISE! So, naturally, ALL of our SENSES are pretty DULL at best. CLEANLINESS is next to GODLINESS! My Mother and most of your Mothers I would think, from back in the day, would always say to us; Wash behind your ears, blow YOUR nose, wipe and wash YOUR behind, brush YOUR teeth and TONGUE, comb YOUR hair, wash under YOUR arms, sit-up straight, dont sit on the edge of the couch, dont PLAY with YOUR food, finish YOUR food, put YOUR plate in the sink, do NOT leave the refrigerator door open, wash YOUR clothes, iron YOUR shirt, put a criece in those pants, put YOUR seat-belt on, dont TALK back, dont use foul language, respect YOUR elders, stay out of grown folk conversation, dont leave the water running, cut the television off, dont PLAY your music so LOUD, lower YOUR voice, lower YOUR gaze, do NOT stare at people, keep YOUR hands to YOUR self, say YOUR prayers, go to bed, get some rest and RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT! ..and this isnt half of it. Smile! Our Mothers were preparing us for the WORLD! A world that was already noisey but she did not want us to add more NOISE to it. Noise is dirty sound. And sound is VIBRATION. Getting rid of the NOISE does NOT imply getting rid of all SOUND. Getting rid of the NOISE means CLEAN-UP and remove the OBSTRUCTIONS in the sound, in your actions and more importantly in your MIND and its thinking! Mixed EMOTIONS are OBSTRUCTIONS must be removed from the mind that is preventing proper decision making. We MUST learn to QUIET our emotions so that their sound stays beneath our INTELLIGENCE so as to NOT influence our THINKING in a decision. I have arrived at this understanding after making many dumb decisions in my life due to my own emotional immaturity and mental dullness. My greatest understanding on this point was influenced by the words of the Honorable Minister Farrakhan who said; When GOD Makes a decision, EMOTION has nothing to do with it. Filth exposure dulls the SENSES of your brain and absolutely will eventually effect your sight, hearing, sense of smell, taste and your sensitivity of touch. When you live in some ghettoes in the inner cities, youll note that they are all categorized by a sense of SMELL, LOUD SOUNDS, LOUD COLORS, LOUD STYLES, CARELESS ATTITUDES and AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS. This is life-survival, self-preservation and more importantly, life in essence crying for attention out of an unanswered and misdirected NEED to be heard, seen, felt and INCLUDED by the broader society of the world we all live in. In fact, misbehavior is often symptomatic of the second most destructive human emotion called Abandonment. Here we are looking at the word Ghetto which I believe has Autrian or Germanic roots as a word but, the word itself was formed from the concept of a segregated space or area where undesirables would live. Hence this word Ghetto is NOT limited to the inner cities of the U.S, but are world-wide every where you may travel on the planet, there are Ghettoes marked by ABJECT-POVERTY (Intentional Deficiencies) as a direct result of abandonment by Governments and Class Cultured societies. No one glorifies the Hood other than someone that lives there! When you see a person Prideful of the HOOD, you are looking at a life-style of ACCEPTANCE conceived out of a mind-set by a suppressive system of Government that forbids freedom, justice and equality for all of its citizenry. The slang derivative term Hood comes from the word NEIGHBORHOOD only as the slang term indicates, your NEIGHBOR is dropped, dissed, discarded, uncared for and IGNORED. In essence, the Hood is a place where you will not find most of its residents NEIGHTBORLY. A bunch of people who live in close proximity to one another is NOT a community. A community is when NEIGHBORS commune with one another. A neighborhood does not form until its residents LEARN to be a COMMUNITY. You get it? A wedding is NOT a marriage until two people Willingly SHARE their lives together. PRAYER and the thinking on GOD acts as a detergent on the brain. It removes the filth build-up from all that we expose our senses to living in this filthy world. PRAYER and the thinking on GOD will prevents acts of indecency and evil. PRAYER and thinking on GOD, fine-tunes the mind to the frequency of GOD. It will enable you to pick-up on and decipher HIS Pitch. The quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone is what is referred to as a Pitch. A pitch is also used to signify something tossed or thrown at you. Every waking moment I believe GOD is sending us a Pitch. Every waking moment we must protect our minds and our senses from the filth of this world. Every conscious moment I live, I believe GOD is Pitching and its time that you and I start Listenning Heres a parting thought; If GOD Loves YOU, why wouldnt HE be trying to communicate with YOU? Get rid of the NOISE in YOUR life.. Your GOD-Phone is RINGING! HE Has a Message and a Blessing for each and everyone of us. I was LISTENNING for my Pitch this morning and well I just posted what I heard. May ALLAH (GOD / DIOS) Bless you ALL! As always with nothing but LOVE from my heart to YOURS. - I am your brother / hermano RASUL -
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:58:13 +0000

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