“Im Not Your Brother,” Says Officer Tasering Black Minnesota - TopicsExpress


“Im Not Your Brother,” Says Officer Tasering Black Minnesota Man in Front of His Children ______________________________ The biggest problem we all face today is that we have been conditioned to view human atrocities as a form of entertainment. The internet has bombarded us with graphic images of police brutality, child abuse, rape and murder. So much so that we are left numb to it all. I saw a headline for this video today and it made me laugh, yes, laugh. Why? Because all I could think was, Oh no, not again! Another police officer tasering a black man who has done nothing wrong. This happens so often that it is hardly news. But this story has a twist; this innocent man is tasered while his kids watch! I had to laugh, not because I think it is funny, but because I am starting to feel helpless and all I can do is laugh. Learned helplessness can have that affect on a soul. Over 900,000 people watched this video on Youtube. If 5% of those people took non-violent action against police misconduct there would be some hope. Sadly, the more we expose police misconduct, the more they seem to understand that people are numb to it. I have hope for the human race. I do. I know how marvelous we can be. But we need to try harder to embrace the virtues found in benevolence. Because as of this moment, we are missing the mark. https://youtube/watch?v=UWH578nAasM#t=271
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:32:24 +0000

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