Im a cop. I always will be. It doesnt matter that Im retired. I - TopicsExpress


Im a cop. I always will be. It doesnt matter that Im retired. I have the blue in my DNA and it will remain there for eternity. I spent my career on the streets of San Francisco. I served with the best, the bravest, the most honorable people that I could have ever hoped to be associated with. Together we faced danger, fought bad guys, captured murderers, armed robbers, rapists, burglars, car thieves, muggers and all sorts of other vermin whose sole purpose in life was to victimize the rest of society and rob them of their lives, property and serenity. We comforted and assisted families whose members had died in accidents, committed suicide or had been assaulted. We endured rocks and bottles thrown at us during riots. We faced endless streams of complaints and trumped up charges thrown at us by politicians, the media and misguided citizens who had stepped out of bounds where the law was concerned and then blamed us for their indiscretions and the consequences that they had brought upon themselves. We endured the false accusations of racism and bigotry by those whose community got the majority of our attention and whose law abiding citizens welcomed our presence. Many in our ranks paid the ultimate price sacrificing their lives and dying in the line of duty, at the hands of criminals and terrorists, while protecting the citizens of our city. There was never a let up to the hardships we faced, the turmoil we saw, or the tragedies we experienced. There were some lulls in the storm but never complete calm. The sixties and seventies came and went. But now they are back for round two. Police assassinations are picking up where they left off in the days of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. But now the assassins have a new ally. That ally is a breed of American politician that is so low on the scale of evolutionary decency as to defy description. I need not tell you who Im referring to because you already know who they are and what they advocate and incite. CITIZENS BEWARE!! If you allow the current crop of human termites who have gnawed their way into our government, the media and academia to continue to multiply you will lose your country and find yourself floating in a festering wound of what is left of our nation. The police are the first line of defense. Without them, you will lose your way of life as you know it. The enemy both within and out of the government realize this. They will do anything within their power to destroy the police and they will use you, the very people who we protect, to do it by turning you against us. There will be more assassinations such as the one in New York City. There will be more police families being widowed and orphaned. . . . and there will be the death of this nation unless you, as citizens, stand up and yank your government and academic institutions out of the hands of those who are destroying us and hold the media to account. THE POLICE CANT DO IT ALONE. THEY NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:12:13 +0000

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