Im a firm beleiver in getting exactly what I want, how much I - TopicsExpress


Im a firm beleiver in getting exactly what I want, how much I want, and when I want it........ be that as it may, I hate with a deep passion the idea of wasting food and clean water(have to do a lil better with that last one) And we as a nation with grave access to excess of the aforementioned, are painfully far too comfortable with wasting these necessities to the perpose of the having a choice; that others simply dont have the luxury, the privlege, the right, the access to..... worse, there is great deal of profiteering in giving us a bunch of crap we dont need, and more often than not, too much of both what we do need and do need is neglegently, and improperly not efficiently utilized all the while others both near&far die for the lack there of.... we need to care enough about our own humanity to do better justic to the privlege & rights we as a nation are granted by our citizenship, be it over included or somewhat limited or gravly limited .... and to the mildly off put minority, Im not saying be a happy ol house n^££@#, Im simply saying to you and actually to every human in this nation, and or rather world.... if you have what you need, and desire more....thats is fine, but dont be waistful just because you dont have to pay for it, or because you can afford to..... its an insulting energy that makes its way around to those it insults and forges a grave disdainful resentment of you..... this is why americans are more often than not, thee least liked tourist in the world...... oh and ps. people, stop partaking in charity for the sake of a thankyou, or a pat on the back, or for the sake of putting someone in your debt.... thats arrogant and vile......
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:27:13 +0000

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