Im a hypocrit...everyday in some way or a nuther.. The - TopicsExpress


Im a hypocrit...everyday in some way or a nuther.. The only God that is real, and has never not existed.. (Can you even fathom that? Never hasnt not been here...we dont know how to understand that) I believe..I trust ..I worship with my whole entire self with all that I am...I give all of me ..the good ..the bad..the ugly ... And yet I sin in thought .or in deed ..or worse by Not doing something I was unctioned to do.. That may have helped another in need.. But in all my failures.of epic proportions I might add.... I know this.. God is more real than real is..He is the air in these lungs I possess , He formed out of cells he thunk up all by himself...He saw that I couldnt be good enough to live a victorious life on this earth much less enter an entirely endless heaven with Him and all the bands of angels and my gone before me loved ones , no I needed to be perfect to end up in perfection place such as He made the one and only way for me... I myself DO believe the words kept most sacred and time and money and gnashing of teeth it took to preserve the words of God..His love letter to us... ( bible) he knows sin is fun for a season and we just cling to it like stink on poopy.... But when ya accept Him..( that God that no one can see..or have imAgined in their minds what He oughtta be like to suit them well enough to serve such an idea suits their convenience) yea when you accept it as truth , no more doubting, figuring stuff out .Booyah !! Hes there . Hes been right here the whole time ? People cant believe because its too simple..too easy even ..wouldnt it be easier if it were more grotesque in rules and regulations and sacrifices and chantingss n such ? Thats the religions of imaginations that people more easily grasp..because they think its about them..its all on them. Preform this..chant this...kill this infidel..dont eat this..only eat all the work yourself if you love alla kinda religion...You know..the kind where you have to be living to be ready to die for your god ,kind of god? How would some act I preform make me any more holy? More acceptable ? You fools it wouldnt.. But a perfect God that Does a perfect act instead for ME? Now thats worth something..thats worth everything ! Wait. Jesus did everything for us..gave His life in which He had never sinned even when tempted by Satan himself...why would He do that? Im so unworthy ? Underserving? Imperfect ..why would a perfect God send a son to do the dieing a wretched sinners sacrifice of death and blood shed as a sacrifice ..NO wait ... THE ultimate sacrifice once and for ALL Why ? Just sounds creepy...sounds unreal..uneccessary even.... So why would He do this on our account if it really took all that to have a real way to be a victorious conqueror in this world over bondages and addictions And disappointments and unfairness , disease and all the bad stuff the sin brought into it.. Because He Loves you ..... Yea see I told you ..sounds too simple right ? All that over a thing called Love ? ( as if earth knowledge and every scientist combined could even contain or grasp the simpleness of His difficultness to have proof the way they want it prooved) But I do...I see Him everywhere..I cant NOT see Him..because of Him is every cell every atom every neutron everywhere that makes up everything! I see Him in my childrens faces..I see him in the beauty of intricate insect in the heck does a gnat even exist ? Its too small to even have all the right parts to live and breath and do whatever the flip a gnat designed to do gather together in my face and aggravate the snot out of me as I pick weeds out of my yard..(.yea thanks that was real funny there father God..glad your chuckling ....)blasted lil gnats ,, but I know you spoke everything into existence ...I know that if scientists want to proove all day that all this stuff is here and evolved out of a big bang ? Well I know that big bang was your breath speaking things into existence ..I dont care how you did it nor does it really matter ,, I just know that it was you God.. I pray over my friends today Lord, that anyone that hasnt accepted you and youre unconditional love for them, that they do. And I know that when each one does , admits there is you , and they need forgiveness and to forgive others and live for you no holds barred...that you will accept them no matter will see them thru Jesus blood ..only then will that blood be what answers for them other govt. No nothing... There is nothing so horrible . so wrong shameful..that youre precious sacrifice for them cant cover... Thank you for forgiving me my King. Lover of my soul..lifter of my head..where my Joy comes from...youre light takes away every fear formed by the enemy !theres no tear Ive cried that you havent caught and have planned a better future ... Its not the wise you are after its the fools that confound the wise !!! Im a fool for you daddy God !!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:20:59 +0000

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