Im a little late on this, but we had an awesome 4th at the - TopicsExpress


Im a little late on this, but we had an awesome 4th at the Callaway Raceway supporting the Gary Blackburn Jr. in the #26 and John in the #95. Lonnie Wyman Jr. and Wyman Enterprises have devoted so much time and energy into creating both of these cars without having ever met Sam. On the back of the #26 car it says refuse to lose which has been the slogan for a few years for them... how fitting that it is the SuperSam car now. (I feel a race t-shirt coming on, lol) We really had the best time, thank you to the many many people at the track who welcomed Sam at intermission and everyone who made him (all of us really) feel like the hero he is. He was loving it until he just wore out. Ava really enjoyed picking the flowers and talking to Sarrah! I have come down with a cold and am trying/hoping/praying hard Sam doesnt get it. Time is ticking away and we still have lots of fun left to have, hoping everyone will stay healthy. We have to be careful about how we proceed because we really cant let him get sick. At this point it would delay transplant. The first 10 days he will be getting a very serious and high dose regiment of chemos and if his body is holding any sickness at bay, it will show up then and his body (bone marrow) will be so far knocked down (as close to out as possible) that even a sniffle could be a very serious problem. Once the chemos are administered then he will have the transplant and his stem cells will be sent in to rescue at that point. Therefore, we will take each day as it comes and may have to cancel some of the planned activities, but thankfully we have this great pool that provides hours of fun! On another note: We will be partnering with the Red Cross and Delete Blood Cancer to host the first, of what I hope will be many, Super Sam Foundation event. On July 30th at First Christian Church in Fulton, MO from 12-6 we will host a not only a blood drive but a bone marrow drive as well. There will also be information about donating platelets (VERY high in demand). Sam will be getting his own cells this time, but we know kids who wait for months to find a match and often its overseas... for too many the match is never found and their battle ends in angle wings. To sign up/be swabbed is easy. The patients insurance will pay for the procedures and is very minor discomfort compared to what these kids face everyday. Sam receives blood and platelets on a very regular basis (at least once a week) and they are in short supply. Callaway County has been awesome to us and while we hate to ask more, this wont cost anything and will help, not only Sam but so many! PLEASE join us at FCC on July 30th. Sam will be in transplant at that time, please consider being a donor while giving blood too. Happy Sunday everyone, well see you in Church! For this is the that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:12:54 +0000

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