Im a sixteen year old trans male, and I am out to no one. Im still - TopicsExpress


Im a sixteen year old trans male, and I am out to no one. Im still fighting with my own feelings, but I know that I will not be accepted well in my household so feel itd be safer to leave it a few years until I move out. Both of my parents didnt really react well to me telling them i was gay, and they have made various other remarks about trans people that make me believe they probably wouldnt accept it. My dad already dislikes the fact that I always dress masculine. Im just going to live my life as who I want to be when I leave, and if they are there to support me, then great, and if they arent, then I know Ill still have so many people who love me for who I am. I was deeply saddened when I heard Leelahs story as she deserved the unconditional love and acceptance that parents are supposed to give. I have absolutely nothing against religion, but its not right when it blinds you to the pain and suffering of your own child. I find every trans person an inspiration, as so many of you have to overcome adversity just to be who you are. Stay strong. Much love to you all.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:40:45 +0000

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