Im about to get really real, so have a seat and listen to what I - TopicsExpress


Im about to get really real, so have a seat and listen to what I have to say - especially you, Ian Hall (you know I love you). In the last seven years, Jeremy Hunt and I have prided ourselves as somewhat of risk takers (or fickle as Ian likes to say). Sure. Weve moved around a lot, bought and sold three houses, lived in two different states (back and forth between Indy and Ohio) and Ive changed jobs more times than I can count on one hand. Weve had kids, started a business and most recently sold off all of our business equipment in order to make some more changes in our life. Changes that will eventually result in being debt free and hopefully building the home of our dreams (among other really great things wed like to do). We have lots of goals and lots of dreams - and we always, ALWAYS have a plan. Now comes the real part. One thing Ive never had a plan for is fitness. One thing Ive always hated to do is work out. Sunday rolls around and I try to meal plan for healthy meals, but by mid-week Im tired of planning and tired of cooking and something falls apart. We usually pick it back up, but as a working mother with a husband who works late a lot, its tough. Three weeks ago, I became a Beachbody Coach and we started PiYo - and I love it. Ive never loved a workout or yoga, for that matter. For years, Ive said that yoga is my least favorite workout. Chalene Johnson is inspiring, motivational and I love watching her because shes the epitome of a true teacher (follow her on FB - her posts are great!). Have I lost a lot of weight? No. Ive lost a few lb and Ive lost a few inches, but more than that, Ive gained confidence in myself and found my desire to continue on. My pants fit better in my thighs (my biggest problem area) and I can tell that Im way more flexible than I was three weeks ago. Just like everyone else, I yell at the tv when something is getting difficult, but I feel so happy at the end because I know I did it and Im one step closer to my goals. Today was day #1 doing Focus T25. Do I want a more intense workout? Not necessarily, but Jeremy (now another Beachbody Coach) needed something a little more high intensity to reach HIS fitness goals - and if youve read anything above, youd know that we here in the Hunt House are all about reaching goals...and I am here to support him, just as hes here to support me. PiYo is my thing. T25 is his. So, we work a team. So, my friends - we arent fickle...were results driven. Were goal driven. Were a team, through and through. Now that were Beachbody coaches (and we get a discount on the programs), I feel its important to know all about the products were selling and to be a product of the product. Thats not fickle - thats smart! :) Back to getting real. I weigh 164 lbs. My ultimate weight loss goal is 130. It wont happen tomorrow. It wont happen next month. It may not even happen by Christmas - but dang it, Im willing to try. Im posting all of this so that YOU hold me accountable, just as Jeremy...just as my coach Rebecca Berger) and her coach and her coach are. Just as my friends whove decided to join me in this adventure...those whove entrusted me to help THEM reach their fitness goals. Thats my job as a Beachbody Coach. Not just to sell you something, but to MOTIVATE you and inspire you and work alongside you...and Im here to be real. I have no shame and Im not embarrassed to tell any of you this because sometimes we all need a pep talk. This is more for me than it is for you...but no matter whether Im doing PiYo, T25, 21 Day Fix or P90X...I WILL BEAT THIS BATTLE. Is anyone else with me?
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:50:54 +0000

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