Im actually really upset about this. When I heard it was a no I - TopicsExpress


Im actually really upset about this. When I heard it was a no I was obviously gutted as I believed so much in Scotland becoming independent. I worked hard to give people information to combat the heavily biased media and to bring hope to people. I accepted the loss of what I had thought was a wonderful opportunity and had begun to think about how I could fight for Scotland to be better under the cards we were dealt, to ensure the extra powers that were promised and to encourage as many of my fellow yes voters as possible to be proud of what we had achieved despite the loss and to come together to make sure we followed up on everything we had been shouting about: taking care of our vulnerable and poor through kindness and charity when times got tough. To keep up the community spirit which we had achieved in order to work just as hard to make Scotland better. Now I see this sort of thing.. If this is true then there is a special place in hell for those who did it. Please note how strong a statement this is, coming from me: I dont believe in heaven and hell but for this, and I stress again, if it is true, then one fiery place of wrath ought to be created for them. If it turns out to be true.. Democracy is dead. #indyref #scotland #democracy #voterigged
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:17:05 +0000

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