Im all about gun rights, but Im sorry, you arent strengthening gun - TopicsExpress


Im all about gun rights, but Im sorry, you arent strengthening gun rights by open carrying with your rifle in front of schools. People are paranoid enough right now.... We dont have a problem in TN with mass shootings in schools or anywhere else except in Memphis, TN, where it is gang related and ending the Drug War is the best way to stop that madness and get the illegal guns off the streets. We dont have a problem with mass shootings because so many people are packing and have concealed hand gun permits in TN and those people would be taken out quickly. This open carrying in front of schools is complete ignorance. Does he have the right to do it? Yes. Does it work in the interest of gun rights in any way? No. All it is going to do is make anti-gun people paranoid and more active to support gun control laws. This man, is one of two things: 1) An Idiot or 2) An undercover agent working for the gun control movement. In no way, does this help gun advocates cause. If this is your friend, ask him to tell you how it strengthens the cause of the 2nd amendment. When he gives you no good answer, tell him to get a clue and go home. The fact that the group Moms Demand Action for Gun sense in America is passing this around should tell you everything about who this helps and it isnt gun rights activists. The Government hasnt regulated my penis in Tn, yet. If that is something I am concerned about, does it help my cause to walk around schools with my penis hanging out? I think this is that stupid. Maybe some of my other pro 2nd amendment friends will disagree with me here. If so, tell me EXACTLY how this helps our cause?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:15:28 +0000

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