Im always waking up in the middle of the night...a lot on my - TopicsExpress


Im always waking up in the middle of the night...a lot on my mind!! Here goes: -The enemy give you things, cars, house, that wrong person,that you think is heaven sent....gotta make it look good so you think its Godly Blessings! #nope# -Tired of people knowing the answer to your problem, but they going through the same thing, so the answer change when it comes to them..wrong is wrong -Side chics....ok, this has become a new word that seems to be the best thing since a slice of bread!! Ive been there done that....didnt try to give myself a title!! The title you deserve isnt to cute! Stop doing things to feed your ego...who wants to be second?...second place dont get a prize(marriage)....stop trying to make the main look stupid, and be posting lil memes trying to make them feel less than...when truly you feel that way, cause your just the side!! Maybe not that an appetizer....try being the entree sometime.... -To the men: stop getting married, engaged, and being in a relationship when youre not going to love her and be faithful...guess what...if you stay single you have the right to do whatever you like, without hurting someone... -Also people learn everything isnt for everybody!! Im not going to have what you have, and your not going to have what I have! Simple fact we are to different people put here for two different reasons! Although both reasons is to glorify The Lord! We all have different paths, trials, test, strengths, weakness...stop trying to make people do it your way! Have you ever heard theres more than one way to skin a cat.... -My birthday is approaching and with that being said...Ive grown every year of my life!! You never know everything!! I will continue to learn until I leave this world!! So what Im saying just because you got everything the world thinks you should have, and you think you got your lil ducks lined up....dont think someone you think that may not be as prosperous as you dont know anything or you cant learn something from them....that could be the very person to teach you how to save your soul!! #message# -Always remember to everybody got a story!!....when addressing someone please be polite, understanding, and be sympathetic!! Dont no one want no darn pity party, but to know someone cares!! Thats how so many of you are doing so were showed love & had a wonderful support time!!! Think about that person that pushes someone to carry on, not that person that pushes then over the edge!! -Our youth: lets concentrate more on teaching them morals, values, respect for mankind...not just you! Even how to respect them, support them so they wont go looking for it in the wrong places!! Not only teach them what you say,but what thus said The Lord! Not only teach them to fear you, but fear God!! Ive noticed, no ones afraid anymore!! Of no one or nothing!! Thats not good(reason for so much violence)...No love for no one, just simply do not value ones life! Lets do better everyone!! Im starting with the lady in the mirror! When you know better you do better!❤️
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:42:51 +0000

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