Im am comfortable enough in my own skin to be able to share my - TopicsExpress


Im am comfortable enough in my own skin to be able to share my weaknesses, flaws and the mistakes I have made and will continue to make. My shit stinks just like everyone else. I thought I would take this time to explain todays events. Things did not go according to plan. First of all. I was running late, I overslept so I was frantically trying to take care of a few errands before making the cannonball run to Bradley airport in Connecticut. It was a brazen attempt. I even went as far as posting my mission here in FB. Explaining that I would be driving like a bat out of hell to get everything done and still make my flight. Things didnt go as planned... Karma will guide you to the lessons you must learn. First of all: I rear-ended a woman on rt. 9 in Framingham. We were at a red light and when the light turned green I failed to take into account that my manual transmission sporty little car can accelerate much faster than an SUV, I gunned it, but the driver of the vehicle in front of me must have forgotten where the gas pedal is and well...I hit her. We were going prob between 10-15mph. Her car was fine, my car basically needs an entire new hood, radiator etc., pseudo-luckily enough, I was able to jump start my car and was able to make a vain attempt at driving from Framingham to Bradley airport in my fuct car. Everything was fine, I called my buddy Eric Gould to explain the situation while driving down the fast lane (You will see I will learn my lesson soon-just keep reading) going approx 75 down the fast lane of the pike the hood flew up and smashed the windshield. I was on the phone with Eric as it occurred and he can corroborate my unusual calm as this event transpired. All in all It absolutely could have been MUCH worse if I had panicked or if I was in the middle lane. But I wasnt, I gently maneuvered the car to the median and within 1min a state patrolman who was probably on his way to another call saw me flagging him down. He was totally cool and helpful 100% he helped slow the traffic to guide me to the breakdown lane AND he called a tow truck. Since AAA can not go onto state run highways I had to be towed twice: one time to get off the high way and another to tow my car home (30miles) I am definitely bummed I missed out on my little 2 day vacation I was planning on having in Colorado tonight and tomorrow. But I learned an extremely valuable lesson about heeding peoples warnings (Katie Fox) and I also admit that I have had a few speeding tickets and other traffic violations VERY recently. I will slow down. I will take more time to get where I need to go. I will TRY to be more patient and maybe I should buy a totally shitty car that is no fun to drive. Sorry, but my little 5 speed manual civic is WAY to easy to race around in. Its low to the ground, its light. and Honda really nailed the power to weight ratio for a family car. Maybe a civic si or a mazda WRX would be a bad idea for this lead foot. Sorry to anyone involved! Im just glad im home again and that I have friends like Eric Gould who literally dropped what he was doing and was there for me like superman. Eric Gould, you heard my mom tell you over the phone and now Ill say it publically: You are a wonderful man, thank you for coming to my aid when I needed it most!!! Friends for life.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:47:15 +0000

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